If it isn’t a chapter, it’s probably….. a SURVE

**Name**: Brad

1) Single or Taken: Single.

2) Sex: Male

3) Birthday: 7/31/83

4) Sign: Leo

5) Siblings: 3 brothers.

6a) hair color: Dark Brown

6b) natural hair color: Dark brown.

7) Eye color: Brown/Green

8) height: 5’11”

*-;-* R e l a t i o n s h i p s~* > >

1)Who are your closest friends?: Stormie, Juliet, umm….see what I mean about friends? Well, Nate and Casey when I’m at college.

2) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No.

3) Did you send this to your crush?: She doesn’t even have a diary and I don’t know what her email is.

4) Did your crush/love send this to you?: Since they barely speak to me, no.

*-;-*F a s h I o n S t u f f *-;-*

1) Where is your favorite place to shop?: Best Buy

2) Do you have anything pierced, and if so, where?: No.

*-;-* T h e E x t r a S t u f f *-;-*

1) Do you do drugs?: Once in a while.

2) What kind of shampoo do you use? Suave…why does everyone want to know this?

3) What are you most scared of?: Not living a fulfilling life….being alone.

4) What are you listening to right now?: The fan whirring.

5) What car do you wish to have?: Lots of sports cars, a dodge viper, a prowler, a ferrari and a porsche.

6) Who is the last person that called you?: Rachel, I have to call her still.

7) Where do you want to get married at?: Maybe Spain.

8) How many messenger buddies do you have on-line right now?: I don’t even have messenger.

9) If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? My appeal towards women.

~*~*~*~ FaVorItEs~*~*~*~

1) Color: Black.

2) Number: 7

3) Food: Chocolate

4) Guys name: I like Alexander a lot.

5.) Girls name: I like lots, Melody is one that I really enjoy for some reason….but I like Rebecca a lot.

6) Subjects in school: English.

7) Animals: Komodo Dragons.

< >

1) Given someone a bath?: No.

2) Smoked?: No…..well…what?

3) Bungee jumped?: Nope, but I’d like to try.

4) Broken the law: Well of course, but my dad’s a lawyer so I know how many laws you break regularly that you don’t even know about.

5) Made yourself throw-up?: No.

6) Gone skinny-dipping?: No WAY.

7) Been in love?: If you read my diary, you’d know by now.

8) Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? I don’t think so, usually I can just lie my way out.

*-;-* F i r s t T h i n g T h a t C o m e s T o Mind ;-* >

1)Red: Blood

2) Cow: Pie

3) Socks: Furry?

4) love: UGH…names of people

~-;-~*W h a t ‘ s w o r s e ?*~-;-~* > >

1) Barfing on your date or your date barfing on you?: Barfing on your date.

*-;-* F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s *-;-*

1) Do you like filling these out?: I’m addicted.

2) How many people are you sending this too?: I let them find it.

3) Who will send it back?: Stormie…;)

6) What is the last film you saw in theaters?: First of all, who learned to count like this? Secondly, Reign of Fire, it was VERY good.

Log in to write a note

Hey!Someone’s birthday is coming up…hehehe.(duh, as if you didn’t know this)I’ll have to make sure to do something about it.You’re right.I’m stealing this.I wonder if there is a world record for most surveys filled out in a month?I don’t know why they need to know your shampoo, but if I ever forget I’m just plain stupid.They learned to count from me *blushes* Eventually I’m going to read

all your chapters.This I promise.Maybe I’ll start tonight, maybe not.It’s 4 minutes until tomorrow.I have a lot on my mind so I may just end up typing. Hope you have a great week!

heheh gotta love surveys, but sometimes they can get soooo long!!!! `nicole`