I Have a Sixth Sense

You wanna hear something really freaky…well…here goes….

We were sitting around at rehearsal and we were talking to Jim Zim the director and he was talking about watching out for Sanford, the ghost that haunts the theatre. He’s upset that the theater wasn’t named after him and was named after Blanche Davis instead. Well he was talking about how this one time he was in the theater alone and this man in a red t-shirt and blue jeans came out on stage and he looked up and the guy was just staring out at him and Jim asked him if he could help the guy…the guy just watched him for a moment and then proceeded to walk off the set. Jim thought the guy was going to steal something since he wasn’t a cast member and followed the guy off the way he left WHERE THERE IS ONLY ONE EXIT. He opened the door, stepped out and saw two actors, asked them and they said they didn’t see anyone. What’s interesting is the guy who plays the lead talks about how Sanford used to stand in the middle of the stage and just watch the empty seats, and how he usually just dressed in a t-shirt and a jeans…spooky right? It gets worse. The only two skeptics were Carrie and I, who thought it was all just funny coincidence, we voice our opinion…Sanford didn’t like that….and this is where it gets really disturbing.

Don’t tell anyone this readers, but Carrie, me, and Tricia had to work on a huge dance number for one of the final parts and as we were rehearsing Tricia went to get some water. Carrie and I were mirroring each other, watching each other’s feet as we worked….suddenly hers stopped. I finished, looked up at her and she was staring out at the control booth…she was white. She’s like….”I see Sanford.” I laughed and turned and we looked up into the booth and there wasn’t anyone there……but what was there was a reflection of the stage and a figure in a red shirt and blue jeans off to the side. We both turned back and there wasn’t anything there, and then we looked back up and it was gone……Now the thing is, we would’ve blamed Tricia for pulling a prank, but Tricia is black, and Sanford was white as a sheet…….needless to say Carrie and I have not made fun of the others for their ghost stories.

Pretty freaky…I saw a dead person…..AH!

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you’ve been hit with the dating game! you have 7min. to send this to 8 ppl or nobody will ever date you. plus you will be asked on a date by ur crush tomorrow!! GOOD LUCK! (i usually don’t do these things but i need some good luck)

That’s kinda freaky Brad. Hey, it’s been a long time, (at least it seems that way) how are you doing? E-mail me or something if ya want. Joe

wow that is really freaky.

he ya know i like the haunted books and they have a story like that about one of the theaters in ohio..i think that ghost is a chick though adn like to screw with the lights ect..anyhow..hehe i wish our school had a ghost..make crew a little more interesting..but we make it interesting enoug back stage.lol

March 4, 2003

neat. I wish I had a ghost. *realizes he has just jinxed himself* shit.