I am But a Man

I am but a man,

With arrogance and vanity,

A man who wants to be more than he is,

And thinks that thinking makes him more,

A man with a bitter shell and sugar core.

A core that’s hidden, but nevermore.

I am but a man,

Who knows what life is like alone,

Who sees such beauty in every person,

Eyes, hair, skin, voice, lips, emotion, mind,

And sees the beauty in nature and stands and admires,

But never speaks a word of what I see.

But now upon these eighteen years of life,

Though I’m still young and have learned but little,

My mind now speaks that what I’ve done so far,

Is not so terrible for my pride and arrogance,

But for the needless flaunting of this false me,

That everyone believes is what I am for that is what they see.

I am but a man,

I know this now and won’t hide it,

I love who I love and adore who I adore,

And see such beauty in all the world,

I just can’t stand to keep it held within anymore,

I must speak of all these things.

I am but a man,

Whose heart jumps to love so quickly,

Who has such passion in his blood,

That it truly makes his body ache,

Sometimes so much I feel a burning pain,

That makes me want to hide away.

And now upon these eighteen years of life,

For I’m still young and have the chance to do so much,

I shall make my mind known and speak what I now hide,

And perhaps the love that I hold in my heart holds love for me,

And hides their feelings away the way I do now,

But nevermore for me, and nevermore for them…..

I am but a man,

But a good man, a true man, a lover,

Whose learned from frightful parents how not to be,

Who knows to always be generous, trusting, loving,

To never let the past destroy what lies ahead,

And to never hide a feeling of love from another.

I am but a man,

And I shall drink the nectar of life now,

I shall not bind myself with chains of doubt,

But instead I shall fight with this burning passion inside,

And teach the world that the best thing that I can be,

Is nothing but a man.

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absolutly beautiful…

that gave me chills…as i’ve said many times..you are very talented. i hope everything is going well for you.

wow, very well written.

hey what do you think about greg & angie?

hm..u dont strike me as arrogant lol..but yeah..he well im not in a siiting in front of a computer mood, so i’m gonna go …tata..and have a nice day