
Not as in the gala where football players and cheerleaders vie for who looks the prettiest together, no, but I am coming home for winter break tomorrow! YAY!

It’s going to be a different Christmas this year I feel, since I don’t work anymore the money I have is all my parents so I think it’s cheap of me to buy gifts for my family when I’m not really using my money, but hey, maybe that’s what my parents want and if it is, ok. Secondly, I get to travel to Minnetonka sometime and see Stephie and Stephie’s coming to see me at my house for awhile….which should be really fun, she’s so much like me it’s scary! AH! Well, except that she looks like a beautiful girl….noooo wise cracks.

1940’s is over and I missed Patient A, but Stephie got the lead female role(the only female role in fact) so that rocks. Well, that’s all for now, I have to write a speech for my last final tomorrow….catch everybody later!

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No, that doens’t make him sick. What makes him sick is that he married a fourteen year old girl that happened to be his cousin, if I read it correctly. How are ya doing Brad? That’s pretty cool with the Steph thing and all. Take care

She’s coming to the house, huh?! Does mother know!? SHE WILL KIIIIIILLLLLL US ALLLLLLLL!!! AIEEEE!!!….poop on a stick.

Hey Brad, Jess here….how ya doin’? I wanted to see your show and was planning on coming for the “sunday matinee” but that turned out to be a myth. Sorry I missed it. Really, i was quite disapointed. I guess I’ll have to wait and be in it maybe this March. Call me while your home!

Hey Brad it’s Jen. I’m happy to know your doing well me not so well but no big thing. Hope you had a marry christmas. Jen

hey that musta been cool..u know we’re on at the same time again..dun dun dun..but of course ur aim wants to be stupid and not work..