Hello Old Friend

It was a hard fought battle between my laziness and my nostalgia, but I decided that I cannot really get rid of this diary ever.  I know it would just sit here unused, but I feel that this is place to talk about deeper thoughts than my newfound myspace blog.

So, what do I have to write about?  Not much.  I’ve been working and drinking and writing, that’s pretty much about it.  There are so many expenses that I’m having to deal with, it’s making it hard for me to feel comfortable going forward with the acting stuff.  I mean, sure, it’s only going to cost $200 dollars to get those headshots sent out and on their way, but when you need to get a new laptop so you can remote connect to your work, when you could really use some furniture for guests, and when you’re trying to make sure everything is in order at the place you live….that quickly mounts up.  I know that it will get easier as time progresses, since most of the expenses I’m facing right now are sort of one time things, but it’s sad to see the money go so quickly now. 

I’m making a big deal out of nothing.  It was just a little vent.  Seriously, at the end of this month I’ll have 2500 dollars saved up even after I do some major spending.  So what am I worried about?  I don’t really know.  I’m doing so well, I’m very happy…the only thing left is getting into the business. 

It’s funny how the people I talk to are always asking me about if I’ve acted yet.  I don’t think they ever really got me.  You know, acting is my passion, so is writing, so is directing, but these things are not the kind of thing that you can just do for the rest of your life if you want to be financially sound..  I want to enjoy my life as well, which means I have to put everything into a balanced situation.  I suppose that sort of mutes my passion if you think about it, since there are a lot of people out there who couldn’t handle the hiatus I’ve had, or perhaps wouldn’t understand the slow process that I’m taking….but I guess that my passion is just tempered with method.  Not that it matters, the people who generally ask aren’t looking for much of a response.

I’ve decided I love all but one of my roommates.  I won’t say who I don’t like…but at the top of my list is Rich.  He’s just a lot of fun, he’s blossomed into the coolest guy in the house.  Ron’s fun, but the guy likes to piss people off because he thinks it’s funny, and we all know how that gets compounded when someone gets drunk.   I still like all my roommates, it’s just that I’m not real fond of one right now and I won’t hate to see him go if he gets kicked out.  It would certainly leave room for my bro.

I should do some writing, and I probably will.

Oh, one last thing…whoever said that LA is cold and callous is completely wrong.  And I disagree with Ron when he says that everybody’s nice to your face but mean to your back.  I can’t tell for certain, but I don’t think that’s true.  My roommates are cool guys, sure they might say something brash or stupid, but we all do that, nobody is perfect.  Except me.  And most of the other people I met are really cool as well.  When we were out at the bar the other night, Brian (Brandon’s friend) was there, and he saw me and left the group of people he was hanging out with to come chat for a little while.  That was really cool of him, since I didn’t even see him and he was with a group of people.  Monte doesn’t like the guy for some reason, but I just think he’s a good guy. 

So is Mark for dropping $50 on four freakin’ drinks.  Holy crap some drinks are expensive.

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