Hello Cleveland, Are We On the Air?

And I bet you thought that the title was so amazing you just had to read this and thus once more the devious master of getting people suckered into reading pointless drivel has worked….MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH….cough.

So here are a few of the upcoming events and events that have occurred as of lately.

1. I was just asked to do another part for the Red Barn this summer which gets me really thrilled…yeehaw! I don’t know if I have it yet, since I can’t come home until late into rehearsal, but I hope I can do it.

2. The play here is going really well and the hours I’ve put into it are crazy. I almost died putting lights up since I was up in the coves hanging lights while dangling over the edge. And then I was in the wobbly scaffolding which slipped almost over the edge of the stage sending me to my almost untimely death…ack!

3. I went to a formal with Carrie Pommier from the play. I’m going to ask her out tomorrow, but haven’t had the time since I’ve been busy not only with school, but I’ve also been busy with this stupid Commissioned Composer concert which SUCKS! The composer is a nut who has no clue what good music is and has instead decided that mass chaos and noise would be best. AHHH. THe formal was excellent by the way.

4. I went to the Treasure Island Casino and I won 85 bucks while I was there…I’m on a roll. Now all you critics would say…”But how much did you spend?” Haha! You thought you had me, but I spent 4 dollars! MWAHAHAHAHAAHAH I rule! *Does a little dance of pure evil glee.”

5. I signed up for next semester’s classes and got my room with Casey for next year and told him that I might go and see the summer fest in Milwaukee with him which would be awesome bawsome.

6. I’ve started a racket of writing people’s papers for cash, somewhat taboo but if you can keep a secret, so can I…..and if you can’t, well I have a hard time controlling a wrathful and vindictive alter ego who causes mass genocide to all enemies and nay-sayers…is that how you spell nay?

Ok…that’s what is up, as we homies say down in River Falls. Check ya later, gotta write…..doo doo doo.

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Hey boy what’s up?I’m sorry I didn’t called but mom took your number then lost it so could you give it to me again oh and I movied so I have a new number it’s 715-354-7317 so call me and I hope you get that part then I can see you act.Oh and you should wait to get a girlfriend you never know what could happen with US this summer.Just joking I hope she said yes.Call me soon love Jen

yay for gambling

I haven’t read the entýre thýng but how can you not have the týme to ask a gýrl out!!!! lol!!! just wanted to leave a note!!! see ya soon

you need a life!

#6 was funny..you write papers for cash and then threaten ppl who think it’s bad that you have a homocidal alter ego..slick;)..how much did you charge?

Did that go thru? ~Amanda