Great Curses

Ok. So here’s how MY Thanksgiving went.

I drove home, something I wasn’t looking forward to doing, and when I got here, I was basically fine. I ran upstairs to send off a publicity release, only to find that I forgot to save the finalized version and I didn’t have half of the information, so I had to send it to Hope so she could edit it and thus make it all nice.

I went to bed. And then all Hell broke loose.

Mono or Strep flared up in my system from out of nowhere and I’ve spent the last three days with a throat that feels like eight-million knives. Everytime I swallow, I feel terrible pain, and the pain has made me a bit delusional surprisingly. It’s been really really ugly. I was taking headache medicine to kill the pain, but then my heart started acting all funny and I was majorly dizzy, but I’m not sure if it was the Strep or the headache medicine.

We got down to Chicago and I tried to sleep as best I could, but it wasn’t easy at all. The next day we went for our Thanksgiving feast. It was nice talking to the people there and we’re all getting along a lot better now than we used to, but I was so tired and sick the entire night (and the food was terrible). I wanted to die.

We got back to the hotel and I passed out again. We did some shopping the day before, I forgot to mention, and I got a whole new warddrobe….sort of.

Anyway…..we get back the next day and I go to the doctor and they give me some medicine and I’ve been taking it for half-a-day now and I don’t know if I’m improving or not. What I do know is last night, I tried to sleep and my mind when crazy. I couldn’t even remember who I was. I was starting to call myself Peter Weary, and I was beginning to narrate a whole story in my head. I couldn’t stand up… was the craziest thing ever…..EVER. My body was acting up and my heart was beating wierd I thought, but it was like I was really high, but not in a good way.

So now it’s today. And the medicine hasn’t really kicked in yet. I feel like crap. I have 300 pages worth of a novel I still have to read. I have an outline for an essay I have to write up for Monday. I have to write out the whole program for Dicken’s Christmas Carol by Monday. I have to be better for rehearsal on Monday and auditions on Wednesday. I have essays due up the wazoo and too little time to do them. I have no clue whether the girl I like likes me or if she just wants to be friends. I’m hoping she’s at least willing to give me a chance.

My mother threw a pair of dry clean only pants in the wash. That’s all right though, because I told her to. I can’t get them dry cleaned every time I need to wear them. I thought they said cold wash, too, but they don’t. If they’re ruined, that will be a new pair of pants, the only ones that I got that I really liked, shitted up before I even wore them.

The glass isn’t half empty, it isn’t half full. It’s busted at the bottom and leaking all over the place and making a shit-filled mess…..cuz it’s not water in the glass, but something that stains. Like fruit punch or Kool-Aid. Blood red.

Let’s add to that now that I had to re-edit this fucking entry because it won’t put in paragraph breaks when I hit enter. I have to instruct the fucking thing. That and I might have to miss out on a piece of APO initiations. When you’re sick and in pain, the little things that go wrong hit you like meteor strikes. Today’s ‘Armageddon’ day for me.

Happy Thanksgiving. I’m going to go do more fucking homework.

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I feel your pain man, I feel your pain. Sick and tons of homework. Get well soon!

November 29, 2003

Oh no!! I hope you feel better soon!! Sorry, i haven’t seen ya in a while, but work has been crazy!! Things will calm down after finals, though. We should do something then, if you have time. See ya later Luv ya ~Nik

I’m sorry your thanksgiving has sucked! Mine hasn’t been the greatest either. Not nearly as bad as yours, but still not great. I hope you get better very very soon!!! Talk to ya over Christmas break maybe? When do you and Chel get off from school? I’m off Dec. 19th but I only have like a two week vacation. :o( Anyway! Get well soon!!!!!!!

November 29, 2003

*hugs from afar* and i do mean from afar… cuz i dont wanna get sick too… 😛 d.

The 21st! That stinks! I thought the 19th sucked. :o)

i hope you feel better soon. and good luck with getting everything done..that was me right before break, everything due..though I wasn’t nearly as sick as you..but you’ll pull it off…and if you can get it down, drink lots of orange juice. know, your next entry is 1000…

December 1, 2003

only one more entry till 1000! wow!! good job!