First Love of Sight and Mind

This is one of my most favorite recent ones.

First Love of Sight and Mind

I hold no answers, standing within this calm,

My eyes floating in azure waters,

Tears of ocean drops spill into the stars.

I hesitate within the chilling shadow

That plagues all innocent minds so deeply,

For truly all are innocent when love is young

All I ever wanted was her touch,

Cherry lips of rose-petal blossoms,

And I lost my innocence in my quest,

For man has no hands to shape his fate,

For each man’s hands shape his mind alone,

Only God can guide another’s mind to love.

Her face has faded from my vision,

The tears have stained my memory with ink,

So all that remains is a warming thought.

How to find a single love in all this world?

When you have no inkling of taste or touch?

A fool would waste his time and, as such,

Call me fool for I shall not rest,

Til I find the love I’ve lost in innocence.

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you really need to fýnd a publýsher because I’m sure people would love to read your wrýtýngs!!! at least I do!!!!!!!!

that’s a good idea. you should consider publishing a book of your poetry.

i agree with the other noters:) you rock:) but I have to get to driving..not sure if I’ll be back on later or what so hopefully legends doesnt run away without me..