First Floor Crab Tree Rules!

Well, I might as well summarize the interesting people I have met for right now since I have severe writer’s block.

Josh-Josh is my roommate…a really cool guy, very nice, very studious, a transfer junior from Mankato. He has a girlfriend Jo who he seems to hate and is always yelling at her on the phone because she’s always yelling at him….hrm. It’s interesting, he disappeared ALL weekend only to return on Monday for a moment to rearrange the furniture in the room and leave a note saying, “Hope you’re having a good time.” It was kind of stalker ish in nature, but it’s all cool cuz he’s all cool.

Zak-Zak is a short football/hockey player who is a total horn dog and jock. But what’s really interesting is he’s an incredible genius…studying in pre med and doing awesome. You’d never guess this beer guzzling, cigarette smoking, stare at the ass of every girl that walks by jock would be that bright, but he is. We hang out a lot and play Blades of Steel on the NES…rock on!

Jon-Jon is really cool….being that I’m secure with my masculinity, I’d say he’s damn hot and he’s got tons of chicks always around him. He got to drive Denny Hecker’s prowler which is sweet and he rules the shit. I have theatre with him and he and Zak are roomies….they both rule.

Keith-Keith is a bronco rider and a rather soft spoken guy. He’s very much a country man and he’s really tall. He hangs out with Zak and Jon most of the time and lives with a roommate Jeremy who I won’t bother talking about since Jeremy’s a big ass dork and idiot. Keith is pretty cool but really quiet.

Al-Al scares the hell out of me. First of all, he’s got this wierd ass grin and he’s a nasty ass drunk. He’s pretty big and obsessed with one fo the RA’s who he will never get in a million years…and I really mean it. Anyway…he’s not much of a friendly guy since most of the time he likes to smart off and act like an overall ass…I lock my door every night not for fear of robberies but fear of his homicidal tendencies coming out after he’s had too many drinks….he’s wierd.

AJ-A kind of gothic character a lot like my brother Dave, but a little less painted. He’s a really cool guy and a big liberal arts fan. I see him off and on, usually hanging with his posse of girls watching movies downstairs…..he’s a cool guy and I like his taste in movies.

The Nuge-Ted Chapman aka “The Nuge(as in Ted Nugent)” This guy is a severe ladies man and very good at break dancing, he’s the initiator of all volleyball games and is an overall good athlete. He’s really funny and very charismatic and cool…even though he listens to Britney Spears.

Kyle-Kyle is a DND and Magic fan and if I get my ass in gear we’re going to the Grand Prix in Minnesota to do some real tournament kind of stuff….it should be cool. He hooked up with Jodie from Parker and has been staying over there for a few nights but now is back….pretty cool and collected and a lot like me except taller without glasses…..he’s cool.

Brent-Brent is Kyle’s roommate and just one of those kind of dudes who is always the center of attention without trying….real friendly, real smart….Brent looks a lot like a punk rocker and pretty much lives up to that image…..we all feel for the fact he has no toaster.

Jim-Jim is our RA and a cool guy….a little strict about beer and stuff on his floor, but you just have to be cool and not bring it to his attention and you’ll be all right. A good volleyball player and the coolest of Crabtree’s RAs.

There are probably people I’m forgetting….or some that I don’t know all that much about… Casey, Laurie, Pete, Andrew, Andrew, Andrew(yes, three separate ones), Trish, etc etc etc. But that’s all for now.

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Goodness, sounds like you have made quite a few friends. You seem to be enjoying college, that’s great to hear. Well I should be studying so have a great week!

mr popular now are we…hehe al sounds a bit crazy to me..but the rest sound cool, even brent, and i have an aversion to that name..ryn: yeah it seems like nomlin, beru, and odessa never write..gaw..we need to get them involved lol..yeah im just trying to figure out where to go next.the ecounter with adriad is goin well but it’s long so i need a switch up or someone who meets us both to break it

up a little ya know? ah disalle is calling about our house..he wants to drop the price again..baw..i should probably call mom and tell her..well tata..i have philosophy and driving..(baw hopefully the allergies hold off)..and for some reason im tired again..oh dwell not much i can do..i shall return..

March 4, 2003

Heh. i bet that when i go to college, I’ll have the roommate from the bible belt who thinks that I ought to have horns (being a jew)