Fashion Show

This entry twill twackle two tings:(say that three times fast)

1.I am blessed! My oldest brother Dave who I am supposed to be a clone in looks is a stud! A)He’s got this cool band called Fashionbomb which hopefully is going famous, it’s at least cutting a CD and is being signed, and although he is very gothic and his stage name is Adrian Valerie, I think he’s going to rule….check out to see him. Secondly, we were hanging with him in Chicago and we went to Helen’s Polish restaurant and he had all the waitresses going gaga over him….and my gosh has he had some hot girlfriends….I am blessed….so get me while I’m not so hot ladies….wink wink nudge nudge…ahem!

2.I decided to do something a little odd and unique this time around, I’m going to tell you about the boxers I bought! Why? Cuz I WANNA! DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT! WELL THEN CLOSE YOUR EYES OR …..somethin…..anyway. While in Chicago I decided to get boxers for college…some real schnazzy ones to impress all the chicks….since….I’m still painfully and obviously single…sniff sniff sniff….though I’m not guilt free….read the last entry and you’ll understand why… I got five pairs…I’ll go in order of kinky schnazzyness….um…yeah?

a)Calypso: For all de Jamaican babes in de audience, I got a pair of dark green boxers with beige calyspo style designs on em, mon! Dey be jammin more den reggae….hahaha….sorry.

b)Patriotic:Nothing says schnazzy underwear like a pair of red, white, and blue starred Tommy Hilfiger boxers…these I’m especially proud of because they just look so dang cool……

c)Glimmering Blue: The Glimmering blue boxers look like beautiful deep blue water shimmering in the light….ahhh…so relaxing……..water bed? That’s not a water bed!! Sorry….inside joke.

d)Glimmering Gold: I’ve had this vocal jazz shirt that was a glimmering gold for a while and I found boxers that match….now I can really say superstar….oh yes…..besides…it will fool the ladies….oh my gosh…he’s been blessed….no wait…he’s got reflective undies……sorry for the lude jokes folks but I just can’t resist…..I’m tired.

e)The Riddler: okay, so it’s not question marks but it’s dang close. They’re black boxers with green glimmering dollar signs all over em! Yes they’re cool, they scream millionaire fashion stud, and I love em……

Is it wrong for a guy to be proud of his boxers? I don’t know.

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I guess it depends on if you show of your boxers because your proud of them. If you do that, you’ve gone a little too far bud. I met Dave, and I thought he was awesome. hey, if he gets a CD, buy an extra one and I’ll buy it, you can even pay a finders fee. I thought he looked really cool in his gothic outfit, but then maybe I just say that cause I love black too, who knows. Joe

I wýsh the guy I was ýn love wýth was wearýng boxers!!! They look so cute on guys!!!!

hm..i dunno..proud?? maybe you like em a lot but proud of them is a bit i know though i love boxers they rock..i have ones that say cold feet and have popsicle feet, chili peppers and have blue peppers, blue ones with hearts, and a guys makin a snow angels that say snow angel all over it with the s and w crossed off..they all glow in the dark and i have more lol..i bought my ex flannel

ones which i never got to see him in…lol u should get some cuz i bet they comfy to sleep in..anyhow i think ur blue ones and the money ones sound spiffy..i wonder..why is it shorts plural when there is only one article of clothing?? lol..hey i checked that site and its under constuction lol oh dwell..