Face Down at Christmas…..Again.

I love that SNL skit with John Larroquette….

Anyhoo….I’m going to now shock you all with a tragic tale(actually quite funny) of Brad the drinking man. Lol. So yesterday I went over to Casey and Beth’s room and was drinking some vodka mixed with orange/pineapple juice. It was really good…so then we had Mike with his fake id buy some breezers which I began to mix with the vodka, baaad move. I forgot that the vodka was there and thought I was drinking the almost harmless breezers and let’s just say I began talking about awkward things half the time and the other half, deep philisophical things like, we feed the media the bullshit, not the way everyone says. I won’t go into that rant, but somehow I managed to prove myself right…go me! Anyhoo, I came back to my room, really plastered and called Lindsey and Rachel and talked to them for about five minutes a piece….it was bad, I apologized for calling so late. But the really funny part is I went to the bathroom because I didn’t feel good and I passed out on the toilet for a little while. Of course, Matt, Jesse, Dana, and Todd don’t ever sleep, thus they found me, took several pictures, and then preceded to douse me with cold water and run away before I knew who it was.

The next morning I awoke to find a picture of me passed out on the toilet on my door with the words, “Wassup Brad?” on it…..I figured out who did it, but they promise to keep putting the same pictures up…..my pride is now in check forever…..and a lesson is learned….pass out in your own room where there are NO cameras….;)

This has been an amazingly surreal moment brought to you by the straight laced Luther Kincaid….;)

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okay that is really funny! I can’t say I’ve ever passed out on a toilet after drinking.

Oh you. What are we going to do about this? With you? Blah blah blah yakity shmakity. __

*smile* you goofball…

lol, that’s hilarious!!

lmao…i shall keep in mind to pass out only in my own room where i hope there are no cameras..then again..roomies like to have blackmail…oops..i mean pinkmail..