DVDs and Boredom

Hello all!

Well, the St. Croix Summer Valley stuff has long since past and I’ve moved into the apartment where it is INCREDIBLY boring since no one else stays there except to sleep. Steph and Carrie’s sister have yet to completely move out, so they haven’t yet and I just crash there and spend the day writing and watching DVDs, of which I’m now a member of Columbia House and soon to be a double member of Columbia House since there are some easy loopholes to allow me to get a metric butt-ton of DVDs for cheap.

I’m at home at the moment, however, celebrating my brother and father’s birthday partially and just to spend some time somewhere where there are people who might just suck up the vast hours of time I waste each day trying to find something to do.

Claire left town for a whole week, so I have to wait until next Friday before I even have a chance to do something and I really need to get on that whole relationship thing over there….but yeah. That will be a later entry as well.

Shakespeare is going really well, although one of the actors in our three-man dynamo is a bit of a pain-in-the-ass. I’m sick and tired of people taking on jobs they can’t do and then using the excuse of too much on their plate to try and justify why they don’t have their lines memorized and are just being a royal pain-in-the-ass. The fact of the matter is this is an improv show, and a lot of it should be improvised, but it’s not because this guy’s a big dumb fuck. Pardon my french.

Who knows about ‘Cabaret’ as of yet, but I’m working really hard on getting the part and even have begun to work on expanding my vocal range. What else is there really to talk about? Not much to be honest.

Here are some quick movie reviews since I have nothing better to do.

OPEN RANGE: 4 of 5

A pretty good western, though most of it is the talk and development of characters who enjoy the free-and-easy lifestyle, and we can feel that that’s exactly what Costner was going for with his direction. Duvall is amazing and the gunfight near the end is more than what you’d expect, and the movie overall has a lot of little points where you just realize you were expecting a different outcome….especially since this is another Costner epic. It’s a good film and you’ll like it. It’s nice and mellow, which was a nice change of pace.


I know this is older, but I love the movie and just got it on DVD. It’s a bizarre movie and twisted, and I think the problem that a lot of people had with this movie is because they really didn’t realize just how much Tarantino was satirizing the characters in the film. These weren’t real characters doing things that Tarantino thought was right….these were characters trying to get away with doing appalling things.

Now the movie does of course have some seriousness to it and a few real moments that are always intense and make me squirm. Like Uma’s whole ODing thing…..gahhhh.

Anyway, if you have not seen this movie by now, you suck and deserve to be beaten by several large men named Bubba.

That’s all I got. I am spent…I hope we shared a moment.

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