Crazy Girl

Before I create the following work, and by create I mean spill out of my head onto the online white page, I would just like to remind everyone that while you can try and guess the reasons for why a work comes into a writer’s head, you’d probably be wrong unless your guess was booze, drugs, and whims.  I guess I say this to protect myself from anyone feeling like I’m writing about them, I’m writing about an idea, if it applies to you, well, that’s not my fault.  Oh, and neither is written work literal.  I find it odd that as of late some of the things I’ve been writing have been applied to a studious scrutiny aimed at discerning my social motivations, but there are less than you think, or at least ones not so obvious.

Now for a mediocre little ditty:


Crazy girl, you think you know the world.

You just turned twenty-one,

You know plenty, you know some,

You know nothing at all.

Crazy girl, you think you know the world?

You’re beautiful, it’s a pity one so attractive

Is lacadaisical and witty, and not proactive,

You act so big and think so small.

~~You think you know yourself?

You ignore the fact the way your words,

Must retract to meet your actions,

They never meet, there’s a synapse gap

Between that you’ll never leap, it’s flooded by denial,

You cultivate unreasonable reason and constant addiction

To self-pity to nurture your overbearing self-love.~~

Crazy girl, you think you know the world,

You wrap people around your fingers or you try,

Then they linger and then they die,

And you don’t care at all.

Crazy girl, you think you know the world?

It doesn’t make us weak to want you,

They are not meek who flaunt the truth,

About loving deeply there’s nothing small.

~~You’re a hypocrite but so devine,

It’s sick the way you make me wish that you were mine,

You’re a lunatic and I’m committing to the lunacy

Because the greatness of your lies

Mix and melt within your eyes and reveal themselves again

Like light shining from stars a billion years away,

You speak so much and have nothing to say.~~

Crazy girl, you think you know the world?

You preach of virtues you possess in spades,

Ignoring distress from self-blind actions made,

You possess nothing at all.

Crazy girl, you think you know the world.

You aren’t a lover unless it’s that of self,

You take men’s hats and put them on a shelf,

That’s far far too tall.

~~Your logic is as twisted as the dagger in my heart

That drives me to part from you and bleeds blood that sticks

To the soles of my feet and makes me desire not to move,

What more can I do? 

I have no definitions left for you and no ideas of how to make you see

The things I see you doing that you cannot,

Or perhaps you see it all and do not care, which is worse, I’m not sure.~~

You could be a brave girl, crazy girl,

You could be a sharp girl, crazy girl,

You could be all the things you think you are,

If you just stopped thinking that you were them already,

And started trying again. 

Crazy girl, you think you know the world?

You think because my heart says yes and it’s so big,

It’ll beat me brainless and I’ll bend like twigs,

But I can’t love you at all.

Crazy girl, you think you know the world?

You think this poem is just another love-lorn sign,

That I’m all torn and I want you as mine,

It’s gonna be a hard fall.

~~ I want to love you, but I can’t.

I won’t change and you won’t change,

I wish you would, you could be so much better

Then the fools you dangle on silk-thread strings,

As for me, I’m not the one who says I’m right.

Others do all day and night and others say you’re wrong,

But you don’t listen to their song.~~



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