Could It Be True?

I can’t really talk about this all right now. I have to talk about it at a later time when more has been decided and more has come to pass. I know I’m being cryptic, but as always, I have my reasons. There are certain times when one can speak about certain things, and other times when one cannot. So here is a poem I wrote a little while back:

You do not try to make me smile

And yet that’s all there is to me,

My eyes are glowing like the stars,

My mind a blur of ecstacy,

And so much joy runs through my veins,

That I forget all the little things

That I do not care for about myself,

And I throw them to the wind,

So I laugh out-loud with a goofy boom,

And I smile so wide that it splits my face,

I talk so fast and my heart does race

And the words keep coming

Though I don’t know what they are,

For my thoughts are all on you.

They settle on the way you move

The way you speak,

The way you smile,

The way you laugh,

The way you think and beguile with your craft.

And I find that every moment that I spend

With you near me in sight or mind

In each of these spent moments I do find

That you make me want something less,

No more than what you give,

No need for silly little lover’s tests

To see if what I feel is true,

I know it is, for I think of you

And my heart begins to open wide

And fill my chest and fill the sky,

It burns as bright as a sunny day

And there is no shade to hide away

The joy and thrills that you instill,

So that I hear your voice when others call

From out the window, from down the hall,

Everywhere you’re in my eyes,

Everywhere you’re in my ears,

Everywhere you’re in my mind

There are no lies, no fears, no crimes.

And I pale to think that what they say,

Could not be true, could not be right,

To think that all this beauty

That rushes through my very eyes

And passes ‘cross my dreamer’s lips,

Waves across my romancer’s heart,

And makes me say the foolish things

That poets like me so often say,

We often dote upon such things as you,

Though you are three times the muse

For the truth I cannot speak in words,

And saying it now makes it twice as absurd

As every other time I’ve ever wrote

That I had not the words to dote,

For that was a lie compared to you,

For the way I feel

For the way I think

For the way I dream

Is far beyond real, beyond the brink, not like it seems.

So they say you must find the courage

And fight off all your fears,

And look ahead and never back,

So for once in my life I think I’ll kneel,

And say a prayer to anyone who’ll hear,

Then push out to find you where you stand,

And utter the words that freeze upon my tongue,

That crash against my lips,

That bounce back and never leave,

For fear that if they did I would not breathe,

Then providence and simple Fate

Shall guide my words from their gate

Sweeten them with loving echo,

Then pass them to her mind and heart,

So that she hears the things that I cannot say,

The magic that shall make me stand,

The beauty that fills your every part,

The miracle that shall make me fight

For your hand, your heart, and for your light.

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hey- thats a beautiful poem….very deep and full of good meaning. take care. =)