Coincidences and Anger Management

Ok, so yesterday was a day of coincidences. I got this email that was not pretty to say the least, it was a chain-letter that threatened that if you did not send it, you’d be murdered horribly within 24 hours. I never really believed in the stuff and I don’t even HAVE twenty emails to forward it to, so I deleted it. So yesterday, our phone lines went dead, and a wierd car parked outside our house and I was like: “Whoa, that’s ironic.” Anyway, we solved the phone problem, sort of. I think the modem just keeps acting up…but my parents as always don’t believe that I know what the hell I’m doing. Yesterday I also thought to myself, if only He would give me a sign about what to do with my problems. Suffice to say, coincidentally I had a dream that sort of had me solving it a certain way…and since I figure anyway is as bad or good as another, maybe it’s a sign. I’m superstitious, can ya tell?

Secondly, anger management. It’s not a class. It’s just me getting angry and trying to deal with it. My mother is driving me up the wall, she’s pissing me off so bad it’s stupid. First of all, she’s an idiot. She has no idea what she’s talking about and yet she tries to run the show and you can’t talk back to her or she gets pissed and tells Dad and Dad doesn’t care who was right or wrong, Mom wins, hands down. If Mom shot me in the leg and I punched her for it, Dad would yell at me. So I’m really fucking pissed right now. She made Greg unplug everything up here by the computer because she thought that would solve the problem. I, being masochistic in nature, opened my mouth and told her that “Duh, the electrical line and the phone line are seperate, they can’t be interfering with each other, at least not in our house, duh.” I didn’t say duh, but she still got pissed. She also has been pushing me to get a job even though Dad says he doesn’t want me working some places. One such place just opened up and whenever Dad’s not around she rags on me to go apply there and I would rather listen to Dad, since Mom just sulks and it’s Dad who swings. God I hate this life….I wish I could just get out of here, and I”m working so hard on it. They’re going to so regret never telling me that they loved me, because it’ll be too late by the time they decide to.

Enough for now, I’ll write something later when Greg hooks the stereo back up so I have some music to listen to while doing this.

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*HUG* I’m sorry Brad. I don’t know what I can say.

its ok… mom and dad tell me they love me but sometimes i think they just say it becaus they think theyre suppost to….i failed my driving test yesterday!!!!!!