
Well, I just went and saw Chicago here in River Falls, and while I thought it was a great movie, I don’t think it deserves all that massive hype it was getting.

Renee Zelweger is phenomenal. She carries the show for the most part. She’s got the whole Marilyn Monroe thing going and she’s very convincing both as naive and also as cunning as she develops through the movie. Her dancing is fantastic and so is her singing and I really think I wanted to see more and more of her throughout the entire movie.

Catherine was all right, she doesn’t have as big of a part as I expected, but once again she does well. Her dancing and singing is great (particularly the last number) It’s nice to see the contrast between her character, who seems to be showing off when she dances while Renee’s character seems to be having fun.

Richard Gere was great, but I’m angry he didn’t do his own singing like everyone else. Even J.C. Reilly did his own singing and he did a great job might I add, he was such a great character that….well….I don’t want to spoil the movie.

The dancing was excellent, though I think that they hyped it to be a lot better than it was. The Cell Block Tango and the final dance scene was great, but the rest were so simple that even I, a terrible dancer, could have done them. And having taken some tap while here, I can’t believe that Richard Gere was so challenged by it. It’s a lot of the easy moves. There’s a lot of combinations that are a lot harder to do than what he did and most dancers I think would agree.

Anyway, that’s my review, gotta go eat and then perform.

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It sounds like a good movie. I want to see it if I get the chance.

sounds cool i have to wait till it is on DVD mom has this thing about goin to theathers and stuff. so where are ya preformin tell me everythin.

i think the reason people dug it so much was that it went perfectly with the actual musical. i saw it on broadway, and the movie actually tied in really really well with it. i absolutely fell in love with it.