Chapter XXXVIII: Shadows (Cont.III)

Even the Jaigons understood this and immediately raced into a huddle. West and Thyrus glanced at each other, “How do we get there from here?!”

“Ahem.” The voice was partially human. It was one of the Jaigons, “We….canna….lead you.” The creature was having a hard time forming the words, but he looked up in expectation, hoping he got the point across. Gobudo nodded with approval and the Jaigon smiled, turning and waving his arm.

“Can we trust them,” West whispered to Thyrus.

“As much as we can Gobudo,” he replied.

“That’s not very reassuring.”

“WAIT!” Adelia yelled, her voice echoing through the chambers. “What about the others?!” The group suddenly realized the predicament.

“If we bring them through, they’ll bring about more shadow creatures, a LOT more,” Thyrus said after a moment. “Though, with the Jaigons here, we may be able to hold them off. Gobudo, ask them permission if you please. Gobudo marched over and snorted and grunted for several times; the Jaigons considered for a moment and then, with grave faces, nodded. Gobudo turned and nodded solemnly.

West reloaded his pistol and drew his blade, getting himself prepared. Gobudo unhitched his Kintog and ran the chain through his hand for a while, preparing himself. Thyrus turned to Adelia, who was steadying herself against a pillar. “You go through and get them. You’re the only who won’t be able to fight, so the three of us might as well prepare. We’ll wait right here, the shadow creatures will come from outside, they’ve fled now that we dealt such a harsh blow to them.”

Adelia nodded and slowly set off back through the temple towards the gateway.


Blackheart tapped his foot impatiently. “I don’t like this waiting. What if something happens to them? How long should we wait until we begin to worry!” He rose impatiently and paced back and forth across the room. “Why couldn’t I go through!”

Laura rose, “Don’t worry so much, Blackheart. There’s nothing that you can do about it. We have to have faith in our friends.”

Blackheart stopped, “But I don’t. Adelia’s been acting all funny and Gobudo’s wounded, though he tries not to show it. West doesn’t trust anyone and so I can’t trust him. That leaves Thyrus. You try putting all your faith in Thyrus Simon!”

Laura laughed, “You have a point. But just because you don’t trust them doesn’t mean you can’t have faith in them. I know you may think that sounds like a contradiction, but it isn’t. Besides, you trust me! You trust me and not the others? You’ve known me the least longest.” Laura swallowed, she didn’t know what she was doing anymore, but she couldn’t hold it back could she? She had tried, but he was right, there was no resisting it.

Blackheart was caught up. He blushed, “Yes, but…you’re a…. a healer. How could you be a traitor?” He turned to her.

Laura shrugged, “I suppose you’re right.”

“What about you? How can you trust me? I’m a rogue. And what about the others, you barely know them?”

“I’m just a trusting person I guess. I see good in all of you, a good that cannot be faked by the evil.”

Blackheart smiled for a moment, “I suppose you’re right.” He glanced out into the snow as Samden argued with Deira. Eza was nowhere in sight, but that didn’t matter, he knew she was around. “Look at them. They’ll probably never be together you know.”

Laura peered out the doorway as well, “Yes. I suppose so. It’s his fault.”

“Oh?” Blackheart crossed his arms and glanced at her.

Laura blushed, “I didn’t mean it as a feminist statement. I meant it as he would never give up his ways for her. They are fated to be apart.”

“Like Adelia and I.”

“You’d never give up your ways for her?”

“Not for her,” Blackheart said, staring out into the snow again. The response had not been intentional, at least the insinuation.

“But you would give it up for someone?” Laura drew nearer. Blackheart could feel her breath, smell the sweetness of it.

“Yes.” He turned towards her.


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yeah who? hehe