Chapter XXXIX: Return to Azurat (Cont. VIII)

“Not pleasant memories, really.”

“All the more reason to tell others. You never know what the world may think is good until you point out the bad in it.”

“I’d rather not,” Adelia said after a moment. She set the picture back carefully and moved onto the others, paying them only a moment’s glance. She wasn’t much of a family person, which was what made the crush on Blackheart odd. What had possessed her to believe in love? Every time she had thought she had it, it was gone in the blink of an eye and soon she discovered it had never actually been there. She glanced over as Thyrus slid out from under the bed with a large case.

“Here it is!” He opened the case to reveal two small orbs like the one on the center of the orbitall, each with a handle that could be used to wind the machine. “This is it! Of course, once more, this is all theoretical. Follow me.” He marched back down the stairs, drawing one of the orbs out and marching into the center of the sandy room. “I think it’s time we tried the device out, don’t you? We’ll just take it into the main lab….” Thyrus’ voice trailed off as he entered the sandy room where the Orbitall had sat. Several hooded figures turned up from the table that had been placed in the center of the room. Various weapons lay on the table. “Damn it,” Thyrus sighed, I leave for a week or more and they infest the place. You people are like cockroaches!”

Adelia counted the figures, “There are nine of them, Thyrus.”

“Yeah, cheeky little bastards.” The nine began to reach for their weapons. Thyrus handed Adelia the case. “Whatever happens, don’t let them get those….and go find Kiki! She must have roamed off! I’ll handle these bastards.” Thyrus waved Adelia off and then stopped, “Oo, I cursed. See what you’ve made me do?” Thyrus reached for his forcepike and drew it off his back. “All right then, time to squash you little pests. I didn’t want to have to, but you really have come in at a very inopportune time.” And with that, Thyrus leapt.


The cloud of dust was rolling nearer and nearer; time was almost gone for the remaining six. Blackheart paced around the tower, glancing over at the wooden barricade and the two standing up in the tower and watching the warriors come. “Where the hell is Adelia?”

And outside, Eza sat in a crack, a small portion of sunlight filtering into the darkness as she kicked around a small pebble. Now was her chance. She had felt rather worthless throughout the entire quest, more of a tag-along than anything else, and now she had her chance to help out. She wouldn’t let them down, if she could help it, at least. Her entire society had been wiped off the map by Baen and his minions, and now she had the chance to avenge them as well. So much was resting on her soul and her shoulders, it was hard to keep faith in herself that she could avenge them all. She glanced out at the sunlight and sighed.

She had lived a short-life of watching over the young girls growing up and teaching them how to act in society and making sure the boys didn’t get too fresh, and she had rarely, if ever fought, and yet she had survived of all the fairy clan. Now here she was, thrust into battle after battle where all she could do was watch and try to do some damage to the titanic races that existed all around her. She closed her eyes and whispered a little prayer, hoping it would give her a little more guidance and help.

A moment later, she heard West call from above and down into the tower, “They’re here!” She clutched her blade tight and prepared for her first real fight.

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Nice, I like the new background too.