Chapter XXXIX: Return to Azurat (Cont. II)

Samden looked around at the others and coughed, “Excuse me. I was just thinking….if we know where Cion Sky is, why are we heading for Azurat city.”

Thyrus nodded and squinted wisely, “Well, because Cion Sky is much further from us than Azurat city, right Adelia?”


“Thus, rather than take so long to reach Cion Sky, we’re going to head towards my old labs and pick up a few little things that will speed our journey along quite quickly.”

“What are those things that we’re picking up?” Samden’s curiosity was forcing him to ask the questions the others were thinking themselves.

“A temporal psyche-transporter.”

“A what?”

“It allows one to transport to exactly where they’re thinking.”

“So we’ll let Adelia think about the location….” Samden began.

“And then we’ll all be ‘poofed’ there. Exactly. You’re quite the bright elf,” Thyrus said with a smile. He glanced out at the horizon and continued walking along in silence for several more minutes.

“Can it only be used once?”

Thyrus glanced back, “Well… You see, you can recharge the device, though it takes a considerable amount of time….months….perhaps years.”

“Perhaps?” West glanced back from his lead.

“Well, yes. This is all theoretical really…..”

“The charging principle, or the whole thing?” West was now looking dismayed, he already knew the answer.

“The whole thing. Do you think I’ve actually had the chance to test the device?! By the time it fully charged I was off moving in other directions. There’s no time to go back.”

“Thyrus, I don’t believe you,” West sighed, “You’re the most stupid genious I’ve ever met.”

Thyrus’ brow screwed up in confusion, “That wasn’t very nice to say.”


Thyrus sighed and shook his head, “You know, you should be glad that I move so quickly about my tasks! If I had been off testing things, I never would have had the Orbitall ready nor the temporal psyche-transporter.”

“What I don’t understand is why it is that Baen could so easily teleport around but didn’t go straight to Cion Sky,” West said, puffing on his cigarette. “Something doesn’t add up, but I don’t know what.” He glanced over at Adelia who continued to stare forward with a worried look on her face. He then shot a glance back at Gobudo, who was staring off at the horizon. West glanced down at his gun and then glanced up at the clouds, “I think we all should come clean with our secrets. Anyone got something they want to say?”

Blackheart glanced over at West, unsure of what was going on. He glanced around at the rest of the group, able to spot a face that was hiding something. There was one that was. “Now West, we shouldn’t have to push.”

“No, Blackheart? I think we should.” West pulled back the hammer on his gun and turned around, stopping the group in their tracks as he brought his gun up and around, pointing it at the Vasu who stood watching him with curiosity. Eza nonchalantly flew off of his shoulder and landed over on Kiki, wearily watching the feralite who grudgingly allowed the fairy to use her as a floor. “I think it’s time that you come clean Gobudo. Oh, I know you Vasu live in the rock and that you look like you’re made of it, but you aren’t, and this bullet will go through your head just fine.”

Gobudo glanced around at the rest of the group, unsure of what to do now. His face had drained of its poker-face and now actually looked worried. He grunted several times over to Blackheart, who took a step towards West, then hesitated. He looked up softly at Gobudo, “You got something on your mind, Gobudo?” The Vasu was shocked at the comment, stepping back from the group as he looked out at the group.

Adelia glanced around the group, her eyes meeting with Gobudo’s, who shot her an imploring glance which both tried to keep concealed between them. It worked. “Stop!” Adelia stepped forward, “We can’t be wasting our time bickering with one another! We have to stop Baen! Whatever secrets we’re keeping obviously aren’t stopping us from our quest and they’re not endangering us, or else we’d probably be dead! Let’s deal with this AFTER we beat Baen to Cion Sky.”

West brought his gun around towards Adelia, “I don’t think so, Adelia. You know something that you’re hiding as well….”

“West!” Blackheart stepped up, laying a hand on the Preston’s shoulder, “Don’t do it. We need her….you know that.” Blackheart glanced over at Adelia, “I trust her enough to believe that she wouldn’t hold anything from us, and I know that you, despite the fact that I’m a rogue, trust in me. Thus I’m asking everyone to trust in my judgement and believe me when I say Adelia is not hiding anything.” Blackheart glanced around at the rest of the group.

West eyed the rogue reluctantly, finally giving in and pushing the hammer back into position. “Fine. For now.”

Blackheart sighed, “Now can we please get going? We can’t waste our time out here. We need to reach Azurat City.”


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