Chapter XLV: The Thirteenth Watcher (Cont. X)

“That leaves Nature and Peace,” Thyrus surmised.

“Yes.” Maximus turned to Blackheart, “Even your pet Kiki was selected on purpose. She was granted to you by what Fate we could control and she has already been granted the power to serve nature. This requires, however, that she cannot remain with you. And it is for this reason that we have let you continue on without further burden Blackheart, for you have lost two of your oldest friends and what new ones you have must mostly leave to devote their time to protecting the balance.”

“And Laura is to serve Peace?”

Maximus nodded slowly, “And in doing so she must remain in seclusion where she can reach out with her mind and try to grant solitude to those who desire it and to quiet the rebellious souls of the world.”


Maximus and Blackheart turned to see Samden standing before them. “You wish to speak, Mr. Fallarch.”

“Yes. I want to take her place.”

“Samden….” Laura began.

“No, Laura. I know what’s been going on. I’m not completely foolish as to what has occurred and I won’t let you two be separated. I shall take her place and serve Peace. A hero doesn’t always have to solve things in battle. All he needs to do is preserve love and joy.”

Maximus smiled, “Why, Mr. Fallarch, I do believe you have finally become the thing you have most sought for and your parents would be very proud. Very well,” Maximus said with a wink. He clapped his hands and the light burst onto Samden and was gone. Laura landed on the sand rushing to Blackheart when she regained her balance. They embraced for a moment, then glanced back at Adelia.

Blackheart broke the embrace, “And what is to become of Adelia?”

Adelia stepped forward, “There must always be Thirteen. It was what God demanded, and so it must be done. Twelve to Watch and guide the way, one to walk alone and keep evil at bay, to hold it within themselves and stop the darkness from reaching all the lands. Existence must have an evil side for there to be a good.”

“You can’t do that,” Blackheart began.

“It is my Fate, my purpose, Blackheart. It was why I was sent to Maximure. Baen fell for me because the Watchers knew that I would then be able to get close enough to destroy him. My misery was to teach me of the things that would try and consume my soul. My love, and the sacrifice of it for your own happiness was to give me some light to fight against the darkness. It is the greatest honor to serve you all this way, and I only hope that I can succeed so you may never worry about the balance being destroyed again. You see, all that has happened has been within the realm of the Watchers. They wanted Baen’s destruction so that a new soul could take on the burden, and so that Baen could finally rest. For what he believed, the Watchers did pity him. It is why they concealed the secret of your amulet, why Gobudo died, and why they intervened so often in our mind, for it was them, not Forte who did.”

“But I thought….”

“No no. Do not ask, for you do not need to understand. Forget all these things and go…….live….be happy! All of you must go about your ways and enjoy life. I shall never forget you….”

“And we you….”

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