Chapter XLV: The Thirteenth Watcher (Cont. VII)

“They betrayed me,” Baen said, his voice still seething with anger, though he was visibly weak.

“They saved you, Baen. You could not exist within Cion Sky for much longer before you would have died. Had the world realized that evil was bred within the great halls that governed man, than they would have accepted it as good, for had God made such a body remain within Cion Sky, it would have to be acceptable by him. They would have accepted it as good and thus they would kill and steal and cheat, not out of undue malice or jealousy, but because it was expected. The faithful would accept slaughter, murder, and death, thus you could not remain. You were cast to Jikama so that the world would see only good in the Watchers, and those who deviated would not do so from faith, but from the evil within them. It made the world turn the way it did, the races learn the way they did, the lands divide the way they did. You do not understand I’m sure, for your hate runs deep, but you could not remain, for the good of all.”

“Then why did God put me there?” Baen’s voice was the whiny plea of a child who desired to know something that he was not supposed to know.

“For a Watcher must feel the powers that they govern, and you had to hate, to desire revenge, to seek death, to cheat and lie and steal. To decieve. You did all such things only because you were cast free from Cion Sky.”

“Does this make it excusable? Because the world had to be this way, I was cursed to live a life devoid of love, filled with hate, and constantly pursuing dreams that would never be? No other was forced to this life……..yet because no other was, you believe that it is acceptable. One man’s absolute suffering for the prosperity of a thousand others? You are wrong! No man should have to endure a pain that he does not accept of his own free will…..none should be submitted to the terrors I have felt….I have been cursed!”

“It is not a curse, Baen….this is what I have learned. This is what has brought me back. You have been granted the privilege of saving all mankind. The other Watchers do little to sway the world, but you…you are responsible for the deepest loves and friendships, for the thanks of a thousand people who understand why they are lucky, you affect the world greatest, for no other has to suffer like you, no other is completely consumed with hate, and the world runs only because of you. Faith exists and good exists because of you… are privileged….”

Baen’s teeth clenched as he tightened his grip to his sword, “Your words fall on deaf ears traitorous Seph! I loved you…and you seek only to torture me with such words. MY GOOD WAS IN LOVING YOU! And you leave me here to rot alone? You abandoned me when I needed you most! Could I not be granted your love…why did you remain so cold to me…..? You could have stopped all the death, saved existence, had you brought yourself to kiss my hand….but you would not!”

Adelia turned and stared at Blackheart who watched her, “You cannot help who you love.” She glanced up at Laura, “Sometimes there are others who will always hold the heart of what you want most, and you can do nothing to change their mind….and it is then that you must choose to let them go.”

“No! I won’t let you go! I won’t give in….I won’t stop what has begun!”

Adelia turned back to Baen, “Then you know what must happen…”

“Come then Seph… think I am beat, but I still have breath in my lungs! I still have some darkness to wield myself….I still hold the key to shadow and evil! You have nothing!”

Adelia reached to her belt and drew out a sword, much like Baen’s though made of gold, the runes, foreboding and dark symbols of shadow and evil, glistened black. None had ever seen it before, though Adelia seemed to treat it as if it had been there all along. Blackheart began to rise, “Adelia….you can’t fight him…he’s too good.”

The Seph turned, “Fear not, Blackheart. This is my fate and purpose and we shall see yet who wins.”

Blackheart stared at the glistening eyes as Adelia turned back to Baen. Laura reached out and pulled him back, “You don’t want to get in the way, trust me,” she said. Donovan, West, Thyrus, Samden, Laura, and Blackheart all backed away as Adelia and Baen drew near, swords at the ready.

“You shall pay for your castigation of me, for my suffering…”

“Your suffering is at an end, Baen…..”

The two screamed and swung, their blades striking together. Blue sparks poured from Baen’s blade and rolled across the ground as Adelia’s blade spewed red sparks that streaked through the air as the two danced around each other, leaping and dodging blades with nimbleness and speed. Swords crashed against each other again and again as neither caught each other with a single blow. The two weaved back and forth in intricate patterns, their breath never quickening, their moves never slowing, their defense never weakening. Around and around they spiralled as the room was lit up by the sparks of the crashing blades. Soon the battle began to grow in intensity as the swings came faster and harder. One would catch the other with the blade only to take a blow themself. Scars opened, new cuts burned, screams of agony were heard, though they faded quickly as shadow pooled around every wound the swords drew.

Blackheart and the others stared in awe at the spectacle, “I have never seen anyone fight like that…..”

“Don’t feel too special, we’re going to be dead soon…”

West glared at Donovan, “Coward…shut up or you go down again.” Donovan slid slowly away and kept his mouth shut.

Adelia continued to swing again and again, her blade catching over and over and striking again and again. Baen blocked and dodged, bringing his sword in every so often to draw blood, his face a mask of anger and fear as Adelia continued to hold against him. Finally, Baen began to tire, his blade trying to strike out again and again and only being batted aside easily by Adelia.

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