Chapter VIII: Old “Friends” (Cont)

The general drew near on Blackheart and the two’s eyes locked for a moment. And then the general snorted with a wild squeal and the other warriors began the same. Adelia raised her sword, ready to attack. She quickly lowered it as Blackheart stomped the ground several times in unison with the general, laughing hysterically. Blackheart smiled and turned to Adelia as the general walked to Kiki and thumped her playfully. “Old friends,” he laughed as Adelia turned purple. Blackheart laughed again, “I always like when Seph’s blush, red with blue makes purple.” He broke out into laughter as several of the Vasu, who had grown adept at understanding other languages, snorted in amusement. The Vasu had no need for developed vocal chords, and their tongues were an involuntary muscle, spasming only to force rock into their grinder of a stomach. Thus, they had created an entire language of snorts and squeals which was a mixture of morse code and animal grunts. A language that consisted of trying to understand the suttle differences between five squeals and five squeals, one raised a half-pitch, made understand other more unique languages a breeze. Them speaking it, however, was impossible.

The general began to grunt slowly to Blackheart as Blackheart listened and squinted, a common quirk he often did when thinking hard or recalling something.

“What’s he saying?” Adelia looked up at the various Vasu warriors who had begun to part as a Palamore with a regal looking Vasu awkwardly walked to the front.

“He’s saying that one of their scouts spotted us and called them out here. He says that it isn’t safe here, that there is a strange horde about that seems to never sleep,” Blackheart replied.

Adelia continued to eye the figure whose Palamore began to reach the front of the group. “That would be Fior’s men. Well, not really men,” she muttered. “Who is this?” She began to raise her arm to point.

“NO!” Adelia’s arm shot down as the general and several other Vasu snorted. Blackheart looked back at the general, “Don’t blame her, she’s not too bright in the social area.” The Vasu squealed with delight at the comment as Blackheart turned back to the fuming Adelia. “They don’t like pointing, it’s an insult. He is their advisor. He doesn’t like me, though the rest do.” The advisor shot him a glance, his teeth barred in a look of rival anger. “But we still have a mutual respect,” Blackheart conceded.

The Vasu advisor wore a long black robe which hooded his face, various bones trailing around his neck in a necklace that no other Vasu had. He carried a long staff with a Palamare skulled fixed to the end of it. He stared for a moment at the three and then waved his staff and grunted once, then squealed. Blackheart nodded and began to gather his things, “Get your things, Adelia. We’re going with them to see something they want to show us.”

Adelia gathered her things and mounted Kiki as Blackheart shoed her and the group rode off from the oasis.

Half an hour later, a figure wandered into the oasis. He was clad in full battle armor and moved through the shadows as not to be seen. After several moments, the figure wandered out into the sunlight and stared down at the footprints. He glanced over at the sewage canal which could be seen several yards away. He looked up into the sun and raised his arm with a clenched fist. Several more warriors appeared riding Palades, a close brother to the Palamore who preferred running rather than leaping as their mode of transport. The figure pointed off in the direction that Blackheart and Adelia rode and the warriors began to charge off into the rising sun. The figure turned and disappeared back through the foliage.


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ooh, the suspense . . .

May 21, 2003

Very very cool.