Chapter LX: Gobudo (Cont. V)

The figures brought their swords around again and again, the humming of magic rippling through the entire air as they brought their swords up. And then, they swung, their blades arcing down with flames roaring behind the blades. They never struck. Chains wrapped around the necks of the figures and pulled them off their feet, their necks snapping by the force of the pull. Gobudo stood, swinging his Kintog and glanced out at the various shadowed figures, his Kintog being let loose again and again, the large rocks hooked on the end of each set of chain sending the figures reeling backwards. Three figures jumped Gobudo, one taken out of the sky by Laura’s well-trained bow, but the other two landing on Gobudo. With his fist he grabbed and snapped the first one’s neck, hurling the body away. He squealed as the other’s blade buried itself to the hilt into his shoulder and down through his chest. He struggled to grab the second and hurled him through the air, Blackheart swinging with a baseball swing and slicing the creature in half, the flames spraying all over and singing his skin.

Gobudo glanced over at Thyrus, who was yelling to the others to come and gather, the orb rippling with magic. This was the way it would end, then? He could feel his heart slowing and his breath coming harder: he was dying. He stumbled towards the next shadowed figure, pummelling him with his fists and knocking the creature away. He struggled to hear what was going on, his eyes blurring in the dying light. Blackheart appeared next to him and began to help drag him towards the others, Gobudo still swinging at the figures who drew to near. Finally, Thyrus’ voice could be heard.

“…..but the temporal waves are too general! They’ll drag most of these warriors through with us and we’ll still have to contend with them!”

“So what are you saying? We can’t leave?”

Thyrus’ eyes shot back and forth to the closing circle of figures, they were now shoulder to shoulder, all their blades drawn and slowly beginning to glow as they weaved them in delicate patterns. They were running out of time. “Yes! I don’t know what will happen!” Eza fluttered up from the crack and barred her sword as she landed on West’s shoulder, glancing over at Gobudo and gasping. The others saw him, his color draining, his upper eyes now shut, his breathing labored with a slight squeal to it. Adelia’s face was pale.

“Will he make it?”

Blackheart patted Gobudo, “Yeah…I know he will…he can’t die…..”

Gobudo glanced around. This was it, then. He had tried to save his allies lives…and perhaps he had….perhaps he was meant to die here……if so, he wouldn’t have had it any other way….even West. He struggled to hold up his hand as he listened, and then he began to grunt. He knew what he was saying, and he knew what he was doing, for though the Vasu did not believe in thauma, they could grasp most concepts easily. The secret had to stay hidden….he did not know why….perhaps it was not his destiny to stop them…..perhaps they were supposed to go and fight….perhaps the secret was not the truth…..but no….he knew it was…..and he knew what his allies were walking into. He grunted again and then glanced at Blackheart, who shook his head.


Gobudo put his heavy hand on Blackheart’s shoulder and nodded, his squeezing hand telling him that there was no other way. Gobudo grunted again.

West glanced back and forth between the two, “What is he saying….”

Laura let loose an arrow and glanced back at the group, the circle was almost upon them. Blackheart glanced over at her, pain in his eyes…he had to do this….for her at least. “Gobudo says he knows of a way…..he says that if he thinks of another place…..a terrible place…..and touches the horde….they’ll be pulled through in another direction……the thauma of the item reads the minds of the holder….and that two holders can move in multiple directions.” He glanced over at Thyrus who seemed to think about this for a moment.

“It’s a gamble, but sounds probable.”

“Wait,” Adelia began, stepping in, “You aren’t seriously thinking of letting him sacrifice himself! We need him!”

West glanced out, “There’s no time to debate this thing, Gobudo…get your hand on that thing and everyone link hands with Thyrus!”

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