Biding Time

I have a lot of things to say, but I’m going to bide my time a few days to see where certain situations lead.  Needless to say, current romantic and relationship problems have now occurred in my life… what else is new.  But for now, a simple survey stolen from Silent Knight (who stole it from other people.):


Sum up your opinion or impression of me in one word,

 leave it as a comment in this posting,

and then post this sentence in your own diary

I skipped a bunch of questions and just deleted them to condense the entry, that’s why the numbers are all screwy. 

3. Are you ticklish? As Dawn put it, I can put up a shield which protects myself from feeling the tickle, but I still am ticklish…..

4. What was your first word? It was two words: Hey baby….no, not really. 

5. Do you know what your first name means? Broad meadow by a river.  Bleh.

6. What are you terrified of? Being alone for too long.  The lack of beauty.

7. Who are the coolest people, besides yourself? The coolest people?  Hmm….I’d pick….wow…I don’t know who I’d pick.  The word cool is a wierd one since its connotation is so broad….but for coolness as in real coolness, I’d pick my brother Greg actually, my brother Dave, and my brother Jon.  Wow.  That’s wierd.

9. Are you a strong person (emotional)? I am a very passionate person and I’m also very good at regulating and examining my emotions.  I think, in fact, I’m incredibly strong this way.  My problem is I rarely feel the need or care to exercise proper control over my emotion.

10. If people made fun of you because of the way you looked, would you change it? No.  People have for as long as I can remember.  I used to look really dorky and now I look like punk-dorky and both ways people mock me, but I don’t think I don’t look good….I think I’m attractive enough. 

12. Britney…real or fake? Firstly, real, and oh Joe, they’re talking about her breasts….;)

13. What do you think of when you hear Christina Aguilera? I think of an amazingly controlled ability to do scales.  She has a very unique voice, I don’t give a rats ass about her personal life, I think she’s a fine musician.

14. Do you look like your mom or your dad? My mother mostly. 

15. Do you like people who always copy you? People in general don’t try to copy me. 

17. Smoked? For shows only….except for a bit of weed.

18. Drank? Quite often.

25. Asked out a loser?  I’ve asked out several people who thought they were losers, but they weren’t.  I’ve asked out a lot of people who others thought were losers, but they weren’t.  The fact that they turned me down for being a loser, well that’s another story and something I don’t want to talk about quite yet.

26. Been asked out by a loser? No.  I don’t get asked out much……actually.

27. Liked a loser? By the term, yes, but not in reality. 

29. Climbed out the window? CLimbed in a window.

30. Given someone the finger? I do it all the time.

31. Talked back to a teacher? Yep.  Quite a bit here at college.

32. Talked back to your parents? Yes.  That’s why I”m the least favorite son.

34. Been to a foreign country? Nope.

35. Been online past midnight? Several times.

36. Gotten drunk? Oh yeah. 

37. Been completely confused about something that is so simple? Yes.  Some times you over analyze something because you believe it to have a much deeper meaning than perhaps it does.

40. Gotten in a car accident? Minor ones only.

42. Got high? Technically yes, but really I only got to the buzz, it takes a lot for me to get high it seems.

45. Broke a law? Quite a few.

46. Ran from the cops? I helped others run from the cops.  So I was an accomplice.  But as the play ‘Getting Away With Murder’ says: What’s an accomplice besides someone uniting together in a common goal?

47. Stole something? Yes.


That’s all for now…..

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i’ve since abandonded this diary and moved to cokefix.

Best of luck with whatever is happening with you. I know what they were talking about with the Britney Spears question. I just don’t really give a damn about her breasts so I took a different spin to the question. One word: Intimidating. You and pretty much the whole Jennings family are pretty intimidating cause you’re all so talented at everything you do. That’s admirable and intimidating

strong (of mind, of heart, of spirit)

October 27, 2003

greg, i mean brad (oh shit, i did it again, sorry) Hehehe, j/k!! it’s hard to think of one word to describe a person, yer just, you. . .I mean, what else would you be? have a great day! luv ya Nik

hmm..interesting..I’m going to have to do this one I think. Anyhow..ryn: Well, I’m not sure what I want to happen to tristin since im behind on the story…but if you want to kill him off that’s fine…and i havent heard at all from if you want…you could have pirates set our ship on fire or something, and if the other guy who was writing with our crew still wants to, he can always

escape, ya know..just an idea though…(damaged_goods)

🙂 Cool survey! Thank-you for the well-wishes….yes, being an auntie is something truly wonderful. A gift! And you’re welcome to use the title, lol….I think it’s good to spread a little bit of knowledge of love around 🙂

RYN: Thankyou!!! 🙂