Basic and Dilemmas

First a movie review:

Basic is an awesome movie. I just got back from seeing it and let me tell you, definitely a five out of five star movie that is well-worth going to buy a ticket to, maybe even twice.

Firstly, Travolta and all the actors are great….they are phenomenal in fact and the lines flow and gel smoothly. The writer of this piece was really good, making the dialogue sound realistic but with that sharp edge that most people really don’t have but think they do.

The plot is incredibly twisted and the way the story is told is elaborate and innovative. It pulls you in from the very beginning and then you don’t stop trying to keep up with the constant twists and plot turns as you try to solve the mystery before the movie tells you the answer.

Unlike Vanilla Sky, which I did not like. The answer is not so far out of reach that you’ll never get to it. Instead, you are always one step behind the twist and the writer knew the psychology of the viewer well enough to leave you in the dust without leaving you so skeptical and mind-blown that you can’t believe what is happening.

Unlike The Hunted, this movie accomplishes the intention that The Hunted set out with, which was to show characters and not need to explain every detail by instead making sure that the character choices were clear. The Hunted failed at this but Basic succeeds. It also succeeds because it does explain enough of what happened that we can figure it out without being left wondering why anyone did what they did.

Finally, critics absolutely hated this movie. They said it was terrible and that the plot twists were SO many that it was just one twist after another for the sake of twisting the story. But the story is about two army rangers and the men at their base who get caught up in a mystery and each is telling their story while trying to hide things….so of course there are constant twists in the pursuit of the truth(along with several great twists piled up right near the end.) Anyway…..go see the movie…I can’t explain it anymore.


Secondly, I got a Core spot for the summer. Problem is, it’s for smaller than desired rolls which would be a step back for me. So now here’s my current dilemma:

Do Red Barn over the Summer and be in….maybe three shows there and have to work for my Dad all summer doing mindless manual labor which I hate and dealing with my family that entire time. PLUS side? Maybe bigger rolls, people I like and know….and flexible hours with time to write on the side.


Do St. Croix Summer. Three rolls, three smaller but still valuable rolls…get 1500 dollars but have to get gas and food which knocks the pay down a bit…..start afresh with people and get my foot in the door for bigger rolls next year…..but solidified hours and lots of em with little time to write.

I’m weighing my choices heavily. It may all hinge around the size of the roll I get in Patent Leather. Small or none? I’m going St. Croix, cuz I’m not going to do one roll at the Barn and deal with my family when I can do three and get paid….especially since I can still do the last Barn show for Terry(if he wants me…which I hope he does.)

Got to go…have to write and memorize.

Log in to write a note

Hmmm…both sides have merit. Personally, I would encourage you to do the Red Barn thing. ;)Seriously, though–I’m sure you’ll be great at whatever you decide to do.

I would be shocked if you didn’t get a good role in Patent Leather. You were the most talented guy that I saw at auditions.


I have no advice, lol…I’m not an actor, though I wish I could be 😛 Ok, that really had no relation to your dilemma… ~*Betsy*~

just wondering…but why has Legends sort of shut down for the moment? I’d update but it’s not my turn, unless you want me to post our entry the way it is now… ~*Betsy*~

April 3, 2003

if it were me, i would avoid manual labor at all costs. go st. croix. 🙂

RYN: You know it too. I like to start my day off by going downstairs and heaving my guts out. I’d say do Red Barn. But it’s probably wiser to go with what with further you more.