And the Angels Said: Let there Be Entries

Oh there is so much to discuss and write and now FOD is being considerate enough to let us do so! YAY! So I’ve watched a ton of movies, a metric butt-ton as they call it, and so I’m going to review them and then update you on other things.

Ah, for you devoted readers, here are a few more movie reviews.


Bruce Almighty is a great comedy in the classic Jim Carrey style of Liar, Liar. The movie centers around Bruce Nolan, a TV reporter who just wants to get an anchor job but is stuck doing stupid little stories where he has to be a goof to not seem like an idiot.

His life is a mess, it seems, as everything he does rewards him with a pile of shit being dumped on him…which is the great premise set-up to when everything goes his way and we see all the same events turning around to be on his side. A bit predictable, but what the Hell.

The movie is littered with great comic moments, like Carrey’s tirade on TV after he doesn’t get the anchor position, when he gets his revenge on the anchor who steals his position, and of course, Morgan Freeman. Morgan Freeman is one of the best actors to date, because of his subtle ways of making his characters unique. Other people go all out in making their characters completely different, but Freeman has this great quiet energy that makes us feel as if we’re watching someone new everytime. He is a great God.

The movie is a tiny bit preachy, but not to any religion and is something that everyone I’m sure can get past because it is just so damn funny. It didn’t have any huge twists either, which I was glad of, because, like Anger Management, this was a cookie-cutter/formula comedy and to try and pull one over on us would be an insult to the audience. A good movie, not the greatest comedy I have ever seen, though I cried I was laughing so hard at one point…see if you can pick it out.


Equilibrium was a movie whose trailer I saw over at Quicktime and it immediately got me excited over the film. The film claimed to be a combination of ‘The Matrix’ and ‘Minority Report’ and indeed it was. The premise follows like this, after a terrible WWIII, the world decides that it cannot survive another possible war. So a great city called Librya is built and everyone is mandated to take the drug Prozium, which inhibits the agent that causes hate and violence: emotion. The entire world is now emotionless and to violate this crime is to be immediately sent to the incinerator. All film, art, and other forms of emotional expression are banned and burned.

In this society, the ultimate law-enforcing agent is the Trygramathon(something like that) Cleric, an emotionless agent taught several special gun and fighting techniques that allow them to kick ultimate ass. The movie opens with a group of sense-offenders hold up and hiding all sorts of banned materials. Most of them are killed except for a group that locks themselves in a room and are waiting for the soldiers to come. But instead, they get a cleric….it’s an awesome scene along with all the other action sequences.

This movie was perfect I thought, as far as a healthy blend of action and drama. The movie didn’t laden itself down with action scenes and gave us plenty of time to develop the main characters so we got a feel for who they were and what they were about. Unlike Matrix:Reloaded, which totally failed us at developing the characters into people we could relate to, Equilibrium does it incredibly well. It helps that the acting core is a group of very good (but unappreciated actors) such as Taye Diggs, Christian Bale, Sean Bean, William Fichtner, and Emily Watson. The fight scenes are also incredibly innovative, especially the very last one where two guys continually knock each other’s guns away as they fire, it’s really cool.

The movie also has a flare for the unexpected, as it presents a great deal of good build-up and then delivers us a quick and sudden climax that throws us off our guard, and I like that very much. The movie is also heavily laden with silence and lengthier scenes, which fits well with the emotionless calm of the entire movie. The lines are also excellent…and after watching it twice, everything makes even more sense.

This movie is one of my favorite small-time movies of the year and should be checked out by EVERYONE…I mean it…go go go! Ok, wait and finish my entry.


This movie proves that Chris Rock is not a good actor. It also proves that Anthony Hopkins is.

Bad Company is your typical Jerry Bruckheimer action film where the plot gets laden down with difficulties and certain points that really just don’t add up to the end. The main theme is as follows: Chris Rock plays Kevin Pope who is a CIA agent whose current identity is Michael Turner. During a routine deal, a group of bad guys kill him in the arms of Anthony Hopkins.

This leaves them with a problem because the dealers who are selling the nuclear bomb that the CIA wants will only deal with Michael Turner. Lucky for us, Kevin Pope has a twin named Jason something. Jason is a chess-hustler(if such a thing exists) and has a shitty life and no money. The emotional scenes that come here near the beginning aren’t pulled off well at all…Chris Rock can’t do emotional.

Anyway, the CIA nabs Jason and tells them they will pay him a great deal of money to do a job. They won’t tell him what because the head of CIA doesn’t want him to know.

Anyway, the characters are all standard. The wise-cracking new guy. The veteran Hopkins who really is a bad-ass. The pig-headed director of the CIA, and the bad guy Russian….

The movie didn’t really suck, it was entertaining and had several moments of brilliance…mostly Hopkins..though Rock did get a few witty one-liners in. Not a bad movie to rent once…..

That’s all folks….

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