An Important Rant Entry

To Raven:

The war has been raging for thousands of years Luther. Mankind has known about it for about three thousand. All the old stories are true, well most of them. and don’t forget that Jesus in his time was like me, and look what happened, an entire culture developed out of his rather weak teachings.–Raven Nightstorm

This is a note I received from another FOD. This guy I know in real life, and there’s a little story I’d like to tell all your readers.

Raven Nightstorm was a person I knew very little about in my time in high school. I knew him only in high school and I began to realize quite quickly that he was not going to be popular. We had choir together and besides being a terrible singer, he was incredibly arrogant. He was the scum of the school, the dirty, greasy kind of lecherous thing that nobody wants to touch. Now this entry may hurt a few people, Raven I’m sure won’t be hurt because he’ll believe this is some sort of due castigation to help bring him higher in his ascension to the angelic vanguard or Jesus figure he thinks he is. More likely, it will hurt nightstorm, who I apologize to right now….but this is my opinion and frankly, I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks of it. Gabe seems to have hold of me right now…;).

Anyway, recently, if you go to his diary, you’ll find that he’s depressed. He’s upset about a lot of things and he talks about suicide and THEN…and this is where it gets interesting folks…..he talks about his constant training for the battles he wages on various planes of existence. I asked him why he thought that one man(himself) was the one who would determine if the light or the dark side of these “astral battles” would succeed. The answer is his note. And here’s what I have to say and I address it to him.

You are no Jesus. Jesus never bragged, never spoke of himself as some great hero that would change mankind. He was humble, and he never sinned. He was true and good and would NEVER even try to commit suicide. The fact that you think you are something higher because you survived it, is stupid. People survive all sorts of wonders. Hell, one of psychology’s greatest test cases survived having an iron bar shot clean through his head in an explosion. HE HAD A HOLE ALL THE WAY THROUGH!! So don’t go preaching this David Koresh Waco bullshit. You know what, Jesus sacrificed himself….HIMSELF! Koresh killed himself and all his followers and I believe that Jesus would never have allowed any innocent believer to be sacrificed with him. Now, I may not be a completely religious person, I may be to many an atheist, but I at least can hold with those views. At least they believe they’re only human. What right, what belief, what thing has happened to you that gives you the right to believe you’re something better. The funny thing is, I think a lot of your readers think you’re just talking figuratively, but I know you irl. I know you thought you’re views about Koresh and I know all this Jesus shit you think in that addled brain of yours and let me tell you you should commit yourself to an institution.

There was an argument a long time ago that people assassinate and kill off those who they fear to be carrying the truth. I can’t remember who argued this, but they said that the government and the church fears the few truth-speakers and has them killed. I don’t believe that for a second. I don’t believe the government kills liars or honest men any more than the other. I have faith in my goverment and my country. We have weasels crawling around this country, yes, I’m sure. But the fact is, that it still survives because their are honest men out there, there are good men out there, and above all, there are men who know where the country should be going. The people who they kill are dissenters. Those who speak out against the country’s current path or possible path and want to steer it in some path 135 degrees from where we are. And the fact of the matter is, the government doesn’t care if they speak it and preach it, they care about those who try to steer it. They care about those radicals who decide that they are going to take over because they know what’s best. The funny thing is that the radicals don’t notice that what they’re doing is exactly what they’re preaching against. “THE GOVERMENT SQUASHES ALL BELIEFS AGAINST IT” they shout from the rooftops. “THE GOVERNMENT IS AFRAID THE PEOPLE WILL BETRAY THEM AND FOLLOW US” they cry. Let me ask you a question, if we’re going to follow you, why do you have to wage a war against us, why do you have to destroy the government and the preachers of other faiths. Catholiscim was the same way, except they were at the opposite end of a spectrum where the center is the sanity. They preached that “THESE LESSER RELIGIONS WILL NEVER SURVIVE.” and yet they were so afraid of the loss of believers they waged the Crusades, they persecuted, they wrote the mandates, they killed and burned and slaughtered dissenters. Some of em probably brought it on themselves. But the government isn’t like that, no matter what conspiracy theorists and movie makers will lead you to believe.

I’ll make you a deal Raven. You want to prove that you’re some angelic creature, some prophet or messiah that all should follow. Shut the fuck up and see who honors you, see who follows your preachings in the end.

As I always say, heroes don’t ask for the role. Saviors don’t set out to be so. Fools and stooges set out to be legends and it is those who seek nothing more than to help for the sole good of others that become what you think you are. And those who do become heroes, saviors, legends, they never will believe they are because the key thing a hero needs, is the belief that giving to others to make them happy is a selfish thing to do. Real heroes say, “I’m not a hero, I do it because I want to see that person smile, or walk again, or have faith in something again.” They don’t say, “Yeah, I’m a hero, I helped that person when I didn’t need to.” Because the fact of the matter is, you do NEED to help others. Heroes just want to.

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interesting entry. i like your diary. i think i shall check out more. thanx for the notes, btw.

That was awesome! I totally agree with you! Someone had to say something. You did one heck of a GOOD JOB! :o)

May 18, 2003

Yeah brad, way to conquer the messiah! er.. the un-messiah.