
I adore thee,

I adore thee beyond time and place,

From a distance or pulled close, so tight,

That our hearts are one, our lips, our breath,

I adore thee without question,

I adore thee without doubt of faithfulness,

Our love deserving only trust, only faith,

Deserving only passion and forever.

I adore thy lips,

The sweet raspberry taste that drips like honey,

That fills me with a controlled craving,

A desire to have but never a desire to take.

I adore thine eyes,

To be lost in them forever would be my bliss,

Never a complaint nor wish would pass my lips,

Living in your eyes of wonder,

I adore your skin,

Soft and pale and perfect,

Sun-freckled and smooth like silk,

My fingers glow hot until they cool upon it.

I adore thy hair,

Flowing down and dancing in the wind,

Shimmering in the sunlight as it twists,

Forming quiltwork wonders from heaven.

I adore thy smile,

To say the words that make you laugh my delight,

Delighting in your happiness, your joy,

To love you so is all I know.

I adore your every move and thought and word,

For they are mine in heart and soul,

I adore each second with you in my eyes,

And every minute I sleep in yoursÂ…..

And every dream I have of you is paradise.

For I adore thee,

Not like a man adores his goddess,

Nor an angel adores who they protect,

Nor even a poet adores his muse,

But I adore thee beyond adoration, beyond love,

I adore thee with full soul that overflows the brim of man,

I adore thee with renewing splendor,

I adore thee with an eternal heart

That not man nor time can vanquish.

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that is so beautiful

. . . that was such a marvelous way of expressĂ˝ng love….

that was good..though im wondering why all ur kiss descriptions seem to have raspberry..i like raspberry as a descrption and all but now i’m can’t it be a pear kiss or a banana kiss or a kiss like mango cream pie? lol. ryn:im lookn for that diary but i cant find it..