Ack! Bleh! And let’s add an ‘ewwww’

Hola hola hola all!

Anyway, you may be wondering about the title, perhaps you’re wondering about me in general….wait…hold that thought…..yeah….isn’t it nice? Oh wait…nevermind.

K…back to reality people. SO here are some interesting updates in the life of BJ Hooker.

First of all, my roommate had sex/oral sex in my room while I was trying to sleep! TOTALLY GROSS! BLEHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Talk about vomit and a half! The sound effects were so gross that I think I’m going to be permanently disturbed!

Secondly, I can buy my costume from the show, and if you see the costume you may ask what the devil would possess me to buy something like THAT? Well cuz I think it’s spiffy…that good enough for ya? No? Well you can just bite me then!!

Thirdly, I haven’t even worked on any scripts lately, though I’ve got ideas, because I’m so obsessed with writing these fantasy stories I’m involved with. First of all, Raveled Souls has screeched to a halt, Uprising looks like it may never get started, Midnight is dragging along now and seems to almost have no point anymore since the characters are dropping out of writing like flies, meanwhile Legends is flowing along splendidly!! WOOHOO FOR THAT! I think the fact that I harass my writers via email helps…mwwahahah. My own story suffered a slight blow in the last few chapters as I was really just didn’t feel like writing….but now the juices are flowing back….oh disgusting….that just put me in mind of number one again! AAHHAHHHHH~!

Fourthly, my brother Dave’s band has got a single I want to hear…but get this….real player won’t play it unless I get this new fucking trial plan which charges money! MONEY!? Are you fucking crazy? I’m not going to pay money to listen to my brother’s song! Not unless he’s got a CD I have to buy.

Fifthly, I want to go see The Transporter and Knockaround Guys….which I might do today, and I might borrow Anthony’s Silent Hill 2 to play around with…like you really care, I know…but I’m writing this mostly for me.

Sixthly, man…everybody is like not writing anymore….I never have diary updates….but then again, i’m always on, so I guess I understand. Even my diary love Amanda [;)] who leaves me OODLES of notes and who I try to leave OODLES of notes, has lost her computer and now I am allllll alone again…..*Sob*

Seventhly, ummm…did I have a seventhly to begin with? Oh yeah….my hair’s getting all shaggy because it has to be for the play, but it really sucks….dude yeah.

Eighthly, it’s supposed to snow this weekend, and everything is like all warm and sunny out…damn meteorologists…….and damn Tom Brokaw….I don’t know why.

Ok…that was an excess of talking, ranting, raving, and bull-shitting and now I must go back to my radio music and sleep…..ta ta y’all.

Log in to write a note

~hey ~ that is really gross i feel bad for u …. SNOW !!! if u get snow u r very lucky i wish it would snow

Dang! Lol, i pressed back and my note disappeared -_- Sorry i haven’t read your diary lately. I’ve been “ignoring ppl” lately…well, just not reading their diaries. Anyway, now you’ve disgusted me >.< I left Raveled Souls cause it's too hectic with Legends, CD (which might've FINALLY started back up again),and h.w. Do you right for CD2? It's come to a halt too -_- ~*Bets*~

October 12, 2002


Yo, wassup!? That sucks about the Fashion Bomb single…my laptop came with RealPlayer’s newest edition so I’ve heard it umpteen bagillion times….it’s good…I’ll see if there’s some way I can e-mail you the file…later!

ewwwwww about your roommate

lol..tell ur roomie that next time you’re setting up a cam corder and shipping the video to his mom..i bet he’d think twice…I’m trying to update..really I am…and I even check you when I have enough time before the library closes so you can get some notes and feel all special;) I’m even doing this before I write my entry for today..