A survey stolen by mwa! Did I spell mwa right?

This is from Stormie Rogue’s diary!!

1)Starting Time:5:53

2)Name: Bradley Owen Jennings

3)Nicknames: I think these questions are redundant but: Demetrius, Brandon, Snoopy, Jiggles, there are others but I”m being lazy

4)School: UW-River Falls

5)Email: bradley.o.jennings@uwrf.edu

6)Height: 5’10”

7)Been so drunk you blacked out: Twice, but on the same night and done for ironically, pride. You see, they had this nasty concoction and whoever lost this game had to drink it and I lost…so I drank it, much to their surprise. It was strong to say the least.

8)Missed school b/c it was raining: Never.

9)Put a body part on fire for amusement: Not my body parts…mwahahaha

10)Kept a secret from everyone: Yes…all the time.

11)Had an imaginary friend: Nope. People just can’t see em, I swear. They really exist…..

12)Wanted to hook up with a friend: Yes.

13)Cried during a Movie: A lot more than I like.

15)Had a crush on a teacher: I’ve never had any hot female teachers.

16)Ever thought an animated character was hot? Duh…can we say Jessica Rabbit?

17)Had a New Kids on the Block tape: Are you serious? NEVER!!

18)Been on stage: Well obviously this survey doesn’t know me, cuz yeah.


19)Shampoo: Suave, don’t I look smart.

20)Soap: Stuff that smells good, Zest.

21)Color: Black

22)Day/Night: Surprisingly it’s night, although I never feel like me at night.

23)Summer/Winter: Both, I really like the white of winter and the heat of summer.

24)Online smiley: Anything that looks slightly deranged.

25)Lace or satin: The devil or a doily? Joke…I know what satin is….Satin…..

26)Cartoon Characters: X-Men

—————–Friends and Life——————

28)Like anyone? Not as many as people might think

29)Who have you known the longest of your friends? Luke Fritz

30)Who’s the loudest: Me.

31)Who’s the most playa? Nate

32)Who do you go to for advice? Anyone, strangers even.

33)Who do you cry with? Nobody, just me.

34)When you cried the most? Just times.

35)Have you cut your hair? Trimmed it.

36)Been sarcastic? Me? Sarcastic….nawwww

37)what are you drinking right now? Nothing….

38)Fav. person to talk to? I don’t know, I like talking to anyone.

39) Fav. person to hug? Don’t know.

41)Last time you fought with your parent? When am I not?

42)Have you ever wished upon a star? Everyday.

43)When did you laugh until you cried? Watching certain comedians and plays…some things are just too funny.

44)Have you ever seen a sunrise/sunset? Yes, I watch them almost religously.

45)Went to the beach at night? Yes sir…very romantic walking by one’s self….;)

46)Read a book for fun? That’s the only reason I read books.

47)Fav. meal? Shrimp Dijon

48)Are you lonely? All the time actually, depressingly so.

49)Are you happy? Surprisingly, I always seem happy, I think I fool myself.

50)Do you have a crush on someone? Yes….but it’s not going to work out, so I think I’m abandoning it. Has anyone figure out who it is yet? Wait…does anyone care?

——————DO YOU BELIEVE IN——————

51)God/Devil: God yes, devil…maybe.

52)Love: Despite all the facts, yes.

53)The Closet Monster? My closet has a bat in the roof if that counts.

54)The Big Bang Theory: It’s plausible, but how’d the little dot get there first?

55)Heaven/Hell: Yes.

56)Superstition: I believe somethings are true.

——————Some More Questions——————

57) What is your full name? Bradley Owen Jennings

58)Favorite Band? Collective Soul

59)Last time you showered? This morning

60)What is right next to you? An acoustic guitar.

61)What is your computer desk made of? Wood

62)What are the last 4 digits in your phone number? 4452.

63)What was the last thing that you ate? A chocolate chip cookie.

64)Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? Wherever my wife wants to go, I’m an easy pleaser.

65)Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? Someone who loves me.

66)How’s the weather right now? Pretty nice.

68)What did you do last night? Went to Cinderella practice.

69)Type of shoes? Sandals or nicer shoes.

70)How do YOU eat an Oreo? Usually I just eat em, but sometimes I eat the frosting first, then eat the cookie parts.

71)Dream car? A sleek mustang, a porsche, or a dodge viper…they’re all nice…ooo…and a prowler.

72)Favorite music? Heavy Metal

73)Favorite food? Shrimp

74)Favorite movies? Action/Thriller/Mystery

75)Are you too shy to ask someone out? Absolutely.

76)If you could change your name, what would it be? I don’t know.

77)Have you ever been in love? Yes.

78)What is the stupidest thing you have ever done/said? There is too much to even pick a category.

80)First daughter? Um….aren’t there two? George W. was busy wasn’t he? Is that what you’re asking about?

81)Favorite alcoholic drink? Something fruity.

82)Do you like scary or happy movies better? Scary as in disturbing.

83)On the phone or in person? In person

84)Do you consider cheerleading a sport? Sometimes it is.

85)Do you want your friends to do this survey? Yeah….but they don’t even know about this site…cuz they don’t exist.

86)Song your listening to right now? “She Belongs to Me” by Harry Connick Jr.

87)Time done: 6:08

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you’re kýllýng me!!! I’d do so much just for a box of freýhoffers cookýes or those chewy chýps ahoys!!!! do you always have to eat a cookýe when you’re doýng a survey!!!! grrr!!!! lol!!!! see ya soon

Warning: You are about to be spammed.Damn, I forgot about the X-Men, obviously I like Storm and Rogue (hence the name)..lol, I just said hence.Wolverine is cool too.Professor Xavier is the bomb!Oh shoot, lost my train of thought.I care who your crush is but I can’t figure it out because I don’t know the people you do & even if you told me I still wouldn’t know.Damn I have to reread your entry…

These surveys are addicting aren’t they? Maybe my life is just so boring that I have to do something. No, I’m not saying your life is boring. I like reading your answers. Helps me get to know you better. You crack me up kid. I just called you kid…lol. No offense. Anyhoo, my intellect is tired so I cannot come up with anything else witty (or maybe it’s just stupid) *wink* Hope you’re well!

and I think Mwa is actually Moi but I could be wrong. I probably am wrong I just like to pretend I know what I’m talking about. *hugs her silly friend*

May 17, 2003

Mais, tu as raison, Stormye_rogue. Ce n’est pas <> mais <>. Ah bon *Smacke les lippes* c’est parfait! Ahem Sorry the notes haven’t been pouring out of me lately, every time i try, FOD rejects them. Also, I shall now be calling you Weasel, after a cursory search of your college’s news turned up something about you in a weasel and coyote play. -david

May 17, 2003

hehe… i feel stupid I was trying to do quotations the french way which consists of these <<<<>>> so it’s moi and not mwa.