
I dreamt of you,

Just the way I always do,

Where all the words I mean to say,

I say to you in a perfect way,

And the songs that I sing for you,

Finally do what they’re supposed to do,

And the world turns out all right.

I dreamt of you,

And when I woke it wasn’t true,

All the love I have inside,

Had just hid away and finally died,

And my cowardice and every fear,

That I’ve had building through all the years,

Had finally won the fight.

I’ve sung a million songs for you,

In the silence of a single starry night,

I’ve wished on a billion stars for you,

And for my words to come out right,

And all I do is waste my time,

Talking to the moonlit sky,

But if all I get to have of you,

Is dreaming that you are mine….

Then I can say without a doubt,

I’ll gladly waste my time.

I dreamt of you,

It’s just about all I do,

For my heart’s been lonely for so very long,

Yet it stays so hearty and so very strong,

As I spend my days smiling by your side,

Knowing every second that I have lied,

Just so I wouldn’t lose your sight.

I dreamt of you,

I never really wanted to,

Because I know it’s just some stupid dream,

And it’s never exactly what it seems,

But your eyes, your smile, and your perfect skin,

And your loving heart which screams from within,

Are just so perfect and right.

And I sing these songs to no one,

But the stars in the sky,

And when the night is finally done,

I have nothing left to try,

I’ve found beauty in many eyes,

And many have shined so true,

So if you read this and you truly smile,

This song might be for you…..

So maybe if you dream of me,

And it’s something that you like to see,

Do the thing I’m afraid to do,

For fear of possibly losing you,

Though you may think you’re not the one,

Or more likely I’m not the one for you,

Give love a chance before your life is done,

And I promise I will too……

This one I know is an odder poem then most, especially the end. You know…I hate being the one to ask girls out on a date…I’m petrified….my high school image wasn’t super cool, okay, it was a dork, but lately it’s been fading out and that’s good…but I still have this ingrained fear in me that I wish would go away…..but until I finally get psychiatric help…..I think someone’s going to have to ask me…..wierd but true.

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I could say many sick and gay things, but I’ll hold back. Like all of your poems Brad, this is great. I’ve been doing a little poetry, but it never comes out like this, damnit Joe

i really like this poem.

you shouldn’t be afraýd of askýng a gýrl out!!! how can a gýrl know that you lýke her unless you tell ýt!!! and I thýnk that poem you wrote ýs just totally awesome!!!! see ya soon

🙂 that was good..you know i’m glad im not a guy because im not expected to stick my neck on the line so i give u props for tryin as much as you have..you’ll find the right one someday..or maybe if they aren’t like me and actually have guts..they will find you:)