
So, if you want to play the game, you note this entry and I’ll give you a letter.  Then choose ten words that are important to you that start with that letter.

Mia Bella, my darling, my sweetheart, gave me "R"


1. Romance: I’m a romantic, hopeless and dreaming.  I believe in finding that someone in this world who, when connected with you, makes magic, causes kismet sparks to come alive in this world.  I believe in indulging them and spoiling them rotten, in loving them madly, deeply, truly.  I have all of this now.  I have so much more.  She has fulfilled one of the greatest passions of my heart and fuels it everyday.

2. Red: Well, red looks good on me and I like the color.  People always compliment me on my red clothing, mostly because it consists of a deep burgundy dress shirt, a really nicely styled shirt that you can see in some of my headshots, and also my favorite T-shirt (Hi.  You’ll Do.)  Red just goes with romantics and passion, so it only makes sense.

3. Rembrandt: Not many people really know what this word means in association with myself.  Nevertheless, it’s significance is something that comes to my mind everyday.  I’m hoping I’m on a path to not necessarily forgetting it, but at least knowing it won’t ever occur or appear again.  As for the artist, I was drawn to his works ironically after the word came to have significance. 

4. Redemption: The concept of redemption is something very important to me.  I’m not one who believes in redemption no matter what.  I’m quite the opposite.  I often believe that there are things that you will never be able to heal from, not completely, that the scars will stay with you and that all of it will be able to come to your mind fresh and new at any moment.  But I also believe that we should all struggle to try and atone for what we believe we’ve done wrong.

5. Right: I believe in a right and a wrong.  I believe that it may be defined differently between people, I believe that people should be allowed to believe whatever they wish as long as they’re brave enough to adhere to it and courageous enough to abandon it when it fails them and to admit that they were wrong.  But I also believe that the universe has some cosmic order, however loose and lax, and that some things are just right no matter what we want to say.  And that others are wrong.  I think it is the only sane way to be in this world, rigidly flexible, or perhaps flexibly rigid, as I think being too flexible makes you intangible and impermanent and being too rigid makes you a fool and a tyrant.

6. Rain: I’ve always been drawn to bleak days, the grey days as I call them.  They herald rain.  I love the rain.  I tend to not stay in it too long if I have somewhere to be (vanity is my biggest vice), yet if I have the chance I’d love to stay in the rain as much as I could, or at least enough to feel it wash over me.  I’m quite the mystic in some senses…I believe at least in the placebo effect of believing in the power of cleansing that rain and water provides.  Oh well, strange in contrast with my relatively sound logic.

7. Rincewind: One of Terry Pratchett’s many characters and one of my favorites.  He is the inept wizard desperately trying to live a boring, mundane life, but constantly hurled into adventure whether he likes it or not.  He was the first major character that I came to know in the Discworld series and after that, I was hooked…thank goodness he’s not the only fantastic character.

8: River Falls: The place where I went to college, where I was able to take to the stage repeatedly, where my English major was cultivated, where much of my real life began.  It was a place where I was finally able to let down some of my guard and enjoy life.  I was so constantly held down in my youth by my parents, so often shackled to my house and to studies, to having no friends, to having no girlfriends for any longer than a couple of months of passing fancy….it’s tragic.  Sometimes I worry that I’m spending so much of my time living freely with my expenditures and indulgences that I’m just compensating for my youth and it will hurt me.  But luckily, I have what I just remember is something else to be thankful for.

9. Restraint: A lot of people are a bit bothered by my ability to repress (in the non-psychological way mostly) and restrain myself from things that they think are less than worthy of restraint.  But it is my nature.  I believe that self-control is one of the cornerstones of being a human.  I believe that what distinguishes us is our ability to say, "Yes, we want this, but we don’t have to have it now."  Part of the whole "need" philosophy which has been shaken a bit as of lately, but remains relatively strong.  Sometimes, the things we want are enhanced by restraint, and other times, the things we want are not what we should have.  Personally, I’d like to murder a few people, but I practice…restraint….

10. Rouge, Baton:  I had a hard time finding significant ‘R’ words, but I’ve finally got ten I’m proud of.  And this one is probably the most important so I had to cheat and make sure it could fit.  After all, I’m a romantic…how can I not mention the place my heart is, the reason it beats, the place that holds the key to my future and the temple which houses my greatest muse? 

So, there we are.  If you want to play, you know what to do.

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July 23, 2007

I demand a letter!

July 23, 2007

I think I’ll have a letter please.

Questions: 1) Who is your favorite character (in anything) that makes the list of your favorite characters that you do not identify with all too much? 2) What about humanity makes you want to have any sort of faith in them, much less the amount that you have? 3) What’s your second-favorite flower? 4) What do you imagine Louisiana is like? 5) What makes you think you’re invincible (in the sense that you do- in the face of love, maybe?)

July 27, 2007

Aww Brad, you’re so kind. I’m working on the A’s, it’s a bit tougher than I thought it would be. I know it’s not your birthday quite yet, but I want to be the first to wish you a Happy Birthday!