Spitting in the wind..
I’ve watched in dismay as yet another storm rages here. I wrote on it before, when it went on, of how realizations of my past had hurt, of the shame I felt for belonging in blood to those who were so cold and empty and cruel.
Today I did not know that another storm was raging, I do not read the one who writes entries designed to stir the pot, so to speak. In notes to others he’ll state that he has no intent in doing so, that he’ll privatize them in order to respect others’ feelings, but by the time he does, it’s too late, the damage has been done. IF one wishes to write something to vent, to purge, then do so privately, do not be a child and create such pain that the words cannot be taken back again and friendships fall to the wind scattered because of even more words.
In this place, cannot people see? Words are single dimensional, we cannot hear inflections, we cannot see body language, and we cannot see the whole person. How then, can we use words, so very powerful, as a weapon to destroy without care? Is it too much to ask that people be rational adults? Is it too much to ask that there be respect for others? Is it too much to request that if one wishes to lash out in rage that they do so to the ones who hurt them, not to the faceless others who might see and be injured by accident?
If one is to say that they need to vent, because it is their diary, then please do so, but do so for you. To make it some public flogging, it is merely for the ego, it is for the rage; it is done for the sole purpose of creating the wars that we see. I cannot believe otherwise, if it were that way, there would not be notes of it being privatized, for they would have already been done so immediately. Instead, there are further entries, one on top of another, pointing fingers and blaming. And granted, if one does not point the finger themselves in the entry itself, there is more than enough in notes from the rest to spell out the details, and the author relies on that, so they can remain ‘pure’.
This type of rage has been seen throughout history, it is not just here.. look in every country, civilized or not, and you will see the evidence. Religious wars, family wars, civil wars, wars of race, wars of sexuality, wars of money or the lack of it, wars of every degree, for everything imaginable, it’s all happened, this is nothing new.
We are doing the same as we have done since the beginning of time, showing how little we have progressed, showing how little we have learned. As George Santayana wrote, “Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it.”
We are repeating it now! Right now, right here. We are hurting each other, we are attacking each other. Those of us who have been friends, now tearing that apart, over trying to keep peace. But battle lines are being drawn and those who do are requesting those to join or be shunned and condemned as being the same as the other.
I do my best to stay out of wars, I do.. I try to keep peace where possible. I know I am not perfect, I am far, far from that, and I try not to fan the flames. Yet I know that in this I am possibly adding more, but it is because I am filled with such frustration, pain, grieving for the tears shed and the hate and anger that is being flooded here.
We came here, originally, to write what is in our hearts, to write what was in our minds, not knowing whom we might learn from, did we not? So when did this voyage of self-discovery become a school ground for attacking others without restraint? We can all point to the DM and say that he should be the referee, but is this what we ultimately expected of him to do? And why should it be his job? We are adults, or most of us are, and we should know what better to do, whether to put an entry into private that might cause torment to others, or to rage where only a few trusted can see. That is why he put the tools for private in this place, that is why he gave password after so many had requested it for so long, and yet, how few will use it when it is truly necessary?
If it is not used, then it has been for naught. If someone has such a huge following that they trust that their readers will nominate their anger and rage in order to fan their own hate filled need, then they and only they are responsible for what comes from it, not to cry victim, not to add more to it.
Those types of people are the ones who caused 9/11, not a nationality, not a race, but an attitude. It is those types of people that caused the slavery of a nation, it is those that caused the execution of nobility, it is those that caused the deaths of babies, it is those that buried others alive after completing their monuments to their dynasty.
It is not a skin color and ethnicity that caused 9/11, it is the mental attitude, and from what I’ve seen, the intolerance is the same here as I am sure is in those minds. There is much the same between them, more than that which is not.
Am I out of line for writing this? Most likely. Is it any of my business, well, yes, for I am here as well, I see those same entries the same as others; I see people I love hurt dreadfully. I see others who I respect have their words interpreted into shambles and then more rage explodes.
Would those who died on 9/11 want this to continue, this mentality? Of course not. Would the babies to be born soon who were conceived on that night wish more rage? No. For they were victims of the senselessness, they would strive for it to stop, not continue, not to thrive. Not everyone is bloodthirsty for revenge, we had enough of that from those who created this mess, and there are images everywhere to remind us. Many nations suffered on 9/11, people who died were not all Americans. People everywhere hurt from this, it is not just our own private pain. Yes, the attack was focused for the US, and I would be foolish to say otherwise, but so many nations lost people here, and think of what the buildings were.. WORLD Trade Center, not US Trade Center, but World. We make a mockery of what it stood for to try to keep it to our own loss, as well as those lives and companies and children and families. Everyone lost that day, everyone did.
Addendum.. after reading DarkRen’s notes, I have to agree, each time this happens, the terrorists win again. We divide with these wars and promote their cause, we are no longer united when we rage at one another.
No, you’re not out of line. And you make one very important point. Attitude is what brings about strife. If any one thing can be blamed it is a certain attitude, rather than a physical description or nationality. Worse yet while we bicker the organized, motivated terrorist continues to plan and work toward further terror. In division is weakness. We must cease dividing ourselves.
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The whole war on OD, just sickens me. It’s a shame that such hatred exists, but I suppose that is the sad state of our world. 🙁 ryn: thank you so much. I really appreciate everything you’ve said and how much you care. feel free to keep in touch with me. My new AIM name is Brandeegirl27. ♥Brandee~
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attitudes did not cause 9-11 arabs caused 9-11 shame on you for demeaning the deaths of all those people to suit yourself. you should be ashamed of yourself.
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If you censor one person’s thoughts and beliefs, you censor us all. What he writes is no different than someone opposing abortion or posting articles that condemn the Republican party. It’s all opinions. His personal opinions. This is the why the DM does nothing. It would be impossible to know where to draw the line.
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RYN: I did not fight with Mo. She chose to insult me because I think differently than she does on the matter. Then she blocked me so I couldn’t work the issue out with her on a personal level. THAT is the kind of thing that causes the so-called flame wars. Not entries written by the person in question. As always, I support you and what you’re saying here. It is painful. But
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having had a diary relationship with both of them, I have seen one act a bit more dignified than the other. And I will continue to support that person and their entries.
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yes ma’am. *nods*,we can only do our best -… shall we be collective?
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Once again a lot of thruth said here. I totally seem to miss who is writing these kind of hate/attack entries but I get the impression that it is quite an issue here. And sadly in today’s world, respect for others does not count anymore. So many people, cold and selfish, even obsessed but definitely not rational. Sad, really. I feel the only thing we can do is trying to make a change in our own
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(cont) small environment. May be it the small changes, caring for those close to us is a beginning. It will not change the world, this is for sure. But at least we can say about ourselves that we try to make a difference sometimes… *hugs*
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RYN: That’s very sad about your favorites. Such a shame too…..this place was very different last December when it was just starting out. 🙁
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ryn: I certainly hope so.
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You just wrote everything I wanted to write today, before I decided to go to the gym instead. Thank you. I had seen notes referring to OD “wars,” but hadn’t stumbled across any until today, when I read the entries you’ve written about. I hope a few “heated debates,” to put it mildly, aren’t turning people away from OD. I think it takes all kinds, people like you and people less inclined towards
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unity to have a successful, vibrant, interesting community.
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Very well written. If only some would listen, I know I will.
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sometimes i think i may just stop reading the reader’s choice since it seems that these big things always seem to crop up there..but..i don’t wanna miss all the other good stuff… glad that i didn’t know there was another flare up til i read this but..isn’t it so silly? how it continues..and it’s really the same thing over and over? oh well…guess it’s true: some people never learn. perio
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i think what happened here is sad as well. it seems like this place is so open and supportive, but it has lately been filled with such hate and anger. i’m glad you wrote this.
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