I dont know how much more I can take.
I don’t know how much more I can take of been with my partner. I feel like he bullies my 5 year old son all the time, he has ago at him about everything and it really pisses me off. Iv told him multiple times to leave him alone and he still does it. It reminds me of when i lived with my mum and stepdad, he didn’t like me and my brother because we wasn’t his, so he made our life hell, to the point that he would physically abuse us. Now my partner has never done that to my son but the fact he never gives him a break yes it annoys me. Ill give an example, yesterday he came home from work tea was made and i gave my son his tea and then he tried to ask me something but my partner told him to shut up and eat his tea. Like there is just no need for how he is towards him, yes hes not his son but he has been in his life since he was a baby, as we was friends before and we have been together 2 years this year. I dont see what his problem is?
You have to do what is best for your son and it doesn’t sound like your partner is the best for him. He may not be his son, but if he’s going to be with you then he has to treat your son with respect and love. I’m sorry you are dealing with this and I hope it all works out for you.
@happyathome i have tried to leave but i am one of these people who find it difficult been alone and to find the courage to end things. I dont know why my mind wont let end things, i dontknow if its because i love him or if its because i don’t want to be on my own.
@lunawolf I feel you. Not the same situation, but the same issue. I find it difficult to end things, I can’t put my finger on it, will have to think on it.
@lunawolf It’s probably a little of both. I have been in a situation where I knew I should leave but because I got married so young and had never been on my own and because I had kids I was just too scared to leave and be on my own. Thankfully, my husband changed and we are still together but had he not changed I was very close to leaving and just somehow making it on my own.
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Wow, that’s tough. Sending you good vibes and strength.
@strawberryjelly thank you
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Anyone who screws with my child — or any child — is out on their butt. Leave his ass.
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Sending you prayers and strength to do what you need to do when it comes to whats best for your baby. I couldnt imagine anyone speaking to my 5 year old that way, I would be both hurt and angry at the same time. That could be causing your child to have mental health issues and lead to him being traumatized and they may act out sooner or later in life… My son still talks about how my ex used to joke with my son but my son said they werent funny jokes and it bothered him… That would have been almost 4 years ago now, and hes 10 and hasnt opened up about that until the end of last year. I had no idea he felt those ways. (i also asked my ex to stop joking with them the way he did and he did but he would still say little subtle things that would sound funny or like a joke but made you think, why say that to a child, he doesnt get that kind of humor yet, but yeah to know my son still thinks about it sucked to know) Wish you and your son all the best <3
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Regardless of whether you like being alone or not, your child’s well being should come first and foremost… it’s your job as a mother to protect your child when you can. Any man who is worth anything wouldn’t bully a child…. and it doesn’t speak to him having much, if any, respect for you, if he treats your child like that.
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