words of contrition

saying i’m sorry is all well and good, meaning what you say is even better of course
but how do you know the words are truly meant?
where is the ruler that i can hold up next to his words and judge their sincerity?
why does it take me leaving to make him see that i was serious?
for all his words about making it work while i was there he certainly didn’t try very hard. so why should i believe that if i come back he will try now.  lord knows i wanted it to work.
i just need to decide if i think hes sincere and if i go back will he really meet me halfway or is he just giving lip service now because he doesn’t want to be alone.
its like the saying goes … you don’t know what you got till it’s gone.
but will it stay gone thats the question now

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May 2, 2008

many people mean what they say and are too selfish or lazy to act upon it as long as the status quo remains the same. by leaving you no longer enable the bad behavior. good luck whatever you decide to do in regards to returning to this relationship.. just don’t put up with any more garbage. none of us make good garbage pails it ruins self esteem. blessings