why is the turkey in the hottub?

ok this is not a joke.. i swear! i couldnt make this up if i tried!!

my mother forgot to take the turkey out of the freezer. so its still frozen… well its not now  that its been in the hottub.. anyway .. mother goes to the store this morning to get a few last minute things.. god only knows what it is she forgot cause i could have sworn we bought atleast one of everything  when we went shopping!! but i digress…  so she goes to the store and lilman goes to school.. but not before  he gets a bright idea that will help thaw the turkey… yes yes  my  wonderfully inventive son  put the turkey in the hottub.  he just tossed it in and went to school. no note no nothing.  so mom gets home from the store and the turkey is MIA which needless to say is quite a trick since its a 25lb turkey .  she assumes the dogs have eatten it and goes outside to ‘find the remains’ as she put it.. as if they would have left anything really sheesh… anyway.. thankfully he forgot to close the top of the hottub and so she goes outside and there is tom floating in circles.  thankfully it hadnt been taken out of the plastic yet.. THAT  would have been a hell of a mess. 

so she calls the school talks to lilman and asks why is the turkey in the hottub? and of course got the responce.. i was thawing it for you gramma.. and who could really get mad when he was only trying to help.. so she left the turkey in the hottub  and   VIOLA!!! thawed turkey.

so hey if you have a hottub and need to thaw a turkey.. give it a shot  it seems to work great! LOL


Happy Thanks Giving yall



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November 22, 2006

You might want to run some chlorine or something through the hottub. (wince) Points for creativity.

November 22, 2006

That is funny! What a Thanksgiving you’ll have, an improved brain and a New Year! Plus thawed turkey of course, good for you!

November 22, 2006

LOL! A skinny dipping turkey! Or maybe not since it was still in the wrapper. Safe skinny dipping? I knew I liked Lilman for a reason! Well many reasons really. Just think how creatively scarey he’ll be when he’s 18! Um, maybe you shouldn’t think about that for a couple of more years, since he’ll be able to drive at 16 and dating girls at who knows what age?! Um, Happy Thanksgiving? OX2 *mua*

November 23, 2006

That’s priceless~! Happy Thanksgiving!

November 24, 2006

Lmao!. that’s so cute. Happy Turkey day- after