tired of falling

my mothermade a comment yesterday morning while we were out.

‘when you get tired of falling, you learn to pick yourself up.’

now she was talking to lilman about rollerblading. but  when she said it. it struck me as one of those ‘universal truths’  something everyone knows  or learns in thier life.
i took what she said and ive been turning it over in my head. ive certainly become tired of falling. lord knows ive been dropped enough. so now this is me picking myself back up again. and you know what. it feels good.

for the first time in a long time im  picking myself up rather  then letting someone else pick me up.  oh thats not to say  i havent had help along the way.  ive been very lucky in my life with the people i share it with. my life is very much a game of solitaire. every time i start to play someone leans over my sholder and says .. oh look you can put that there!… annoying  sometimes yes. but still im grateful for the support i do  have.

so now  that im standing  and even faceing in the right direction, its time to walk on.

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April 8, 2007

I like the comment your mother made… It’s so true!

April 9, 2007

Just let me know where you’re walking to so that I can meet you there. 🙂