time and tide

time heals all wounds and tide moves all things.

i was reading one of my favs entries and that old saying poped into my head….

time heals all wounds. so i spent a few mins thinking about it and then went back into my OD to this day last year to see what it was i was doing at the time.  and it turned out that a year ago today was the day i left OR and headed here to ‘bama.

… i wrote… ‘it feels good, it feels right.’

so now i wonder why does it not feel good and right anymore?

the wounds of my past marriage are healed. i scarecely think about it other then in context to lilman.  we’re better at being friends then we ever were at being spouses. 

so time has healed and tide has moved me on. it sounds trite when people say it to you when your hurting at the time but its true.

do youknwo why wounds throb? its because your body isnt able to feel continuous pain. it only feels it for 2 or 3 seconds at a time. so when your body is hurt the pain thobs your mind and heart are just like that as well.  we think we feel the pain all the time but we dont. our minds turn from it as often as can. even if its just for brief moments.


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June 17, 2008

Random: Yes time does heal all wounds – eventually. Good analogy on the throbbing thing.