the road less traveled

to quote or possibly misquote a friend….

‘I’d forgotten what that was like – and now that I remember I refuse to forget again’.

he was talking about being himself.  we’d discussed this before and thats pretty close to something i said about myself after B and i seperated.  I’d forgotten who i was while i was married.  or maybe i just forgot thatthe pieces make the hole and the hole was me?  i dont know.  but i know how he feels.

ive discovered i like me.  i look back at who i was back then and im mystified to see someone i barely recognize.  like a stranger with m face. 

you know what the best part of all this is.  ive remembered  how to laugh and that i do have more then a grim and sarcastic sence of humor. 

the total is greater then the pieces alone.


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