the rain

if i close my eyes i can hear the rain on the roof of the truck after we mad that mad dash from the restraunt.
i hopped intot he truck laughing and when i leaned over to give you a quick kiss my mind  melted
suddenly i wasnt laughing  i was feeling.
i was drowning in your eyes and your scent and i didnt even care.
without even being aware of it  i moved into your arms and felt safe and loved for the first time in a long time.
i couldnt think i could only feel.
every breath i took was yours
we melded together, 
im pretty sure our souls touched that night.
with rain drumming on the roof  we made our own heat lightning
 all those romance novels suddenly made sence, the stupid euphamisms can only be stupid  because everything written only pales in comparison
suddenly i knew what it was to like to love and touch the one i love in such a way as to leave a mark on his soul
i like to sit in my car in the rain and listen to it drumming on my roof as i think of you and that night.


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January 19, 2007

I don’t know “Cleaved to her heaving bosom, his turgid love-sword swooned” is a stupid sentence for a novel whether you’re in love or not. I’m just saying. When aliens colonize this joint I’m sure they’ll make fun of Sci Fi rhetoric too ” Heh,” they’ll say “Cleaved to his/her haeving tentacles, his/her turgid light saber spooged. What a bunch of maroons ( to qoute his bugness the bunny hearted).”

January 19, 2007

ryn; Oh, I didn’t mean to imply the sentiment was stupid. Love, lust and something else importent that is slipping my mind, are larger than life, feelings that envelop the person and make them feel larger than the whole. Romance novels on the other don’t even spell whole right.