the other shoe

has definatly landed

with a big fat wet splat

prodigious use of the F word follows  ..   youve been warned!!!!!!  

ok so you constant readers know… i havent been, shall we say, having the best of luck for a while.
and well the other day i had that restless something is gonna happen feeling.. and it did.. today

i woke up to the sound of pouring rain. the very same sound that i fell asleep to. so you KNOW today was a wet day. i stepped off the porch and actually heard and felt the ground squish. on top of that its cold. VERY cold. not could enough to freeze mind you  but cold enough to make it feel like it its freezing.  trust me i know this first hand.

so anyway  i hop in my little car and go zipping off to work.  ok well not much zipping was involved with all that water on the road and the way it was pouring.  the porch is maybe 20 feet from the car and i was soaked in the 5 seconds it took me to get to it.  so anyway.. its wet… its cold.. and theres tons of standing water  everywhere. im headed to work.  only i dodnt get there. well i do eventually but no where near on time because  my  car died. im driving down the road.. and it starts to chug and loose speed. im not totally shocked really its got 256K miles on it and ive said before she deserves a retirement. but i didnt mean today!  in the wet and cold!!! so im coasting down the road.. looking for a place to pull over … ive got my flashers on and im slowly coasting to about 35 mph and just swearing a blue streak caus ei manage to be on the part of the road with no fucking safety lane!! thank you rural fucking oregon GRRRRRRR  i finally got to a spot that was no more then a raise in the ditch and pull off with the back of my car faceing the road. oh how the towtruck driver loved me for that!!  anyway.. i managed to be 1/2 a  mile from the chevron and 1/2 a mile from Diess. well i know Diess isnt open so i locked up my car and step out into the pouring rain. no umbrella no hat or hoodie type thing.. but atleast i had my jacket on. so i walk in the freezing ass cold and rain to the chevron.. peopel zooming past me not even bothering to slow down or try to atleast avoid the fucking puddles.  so i get to chevron call lilman and ask him to get me me Olys cellphone number. ( and before you ask… no i dont have a cell phone)  hes working in the area.. no joy  he didnt answer his phone. i left a mesage and stepped back out into the rain and start walking to target. where my mother works.  and do you know not one single fucking person stopped or even slowed the fuck down. (see i told you prodigious use of the F word.. not highly imaginative i know but  its my word of choice when im angry)  so i walk the 3 miles to target in the rain getting soaked by passing cars. about half way tehre i see a sheriff’s car coming at me.. and i think WOOT !!! well HA no such luck he didnt even slow down either.. and i thought well maybe hell turn around… NO WAY that fucker kept right on going.  (thanks for the little reminder about WHY i hate Cops and authority in general. fuckers cant even do thier damn job.) so as im walking getting soaked and freezing to death i proceded to thank every car that drove by.  thanked them all for being so nice and considerate for stopping and giveing me a ride.. oh yeah sarcasm its great i love it. its practically my middle name.  i was so angry i was even stuttering in my own head!! many a time ive stopped and given someone a ride especailly when its raining!!!  but noooo.

ANYWAY i get to target looking very much like a drowned rat and they arent open yet. so i kno wi atleast made good time! so i sti and wait and wait and wait some more when i realise hey dumbass go across the street and grab some breakfast! thank you jack in the box  for servering burgers at almost 8 in the morning!! so i waited till 8 and hop back across the street hunt down my mother and thankfully she’s done for the day and takes me to work.  im not just cold im freezing  my pants are soaked thru and hair is slicked to my head and all i can do is shiver and let my teeth chatter!! it took me nearly 2 hours to thaw out and dry off!! and all this happened between 645 and 830.. what a GREAT way to start the day!!

my mother used the AAA to have the car towed.. its sitting at Jud’s he’ll look at it as soon as he can.. (most likely monday)  and tell me if its even worth repairing.  i SERIOUSLY doubt it. so now… ill be driving thier truck until i can get something else… yeah right.. wtf am i gonna get the money for that.

just goes to prove my life is the universal joke. i AM beetle baily and god or whoever is the sarge. he just loves kicking the crap out of me… thanks a lot i appriciate that.. no really! i do! love it, thanks, keep it coming FUCKER!!!

 yeah i had a crap day. i think ill go chillout before i have to go pick up lilman from wrestling.

even though im not feeling so very divine…



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November 2, 2006

Ohh pall..that is a terrible day. I pictured you soaking wet stomping along the road and being splashed with muddy puddles for 3 miles, I would have stopped for you. This one woman approached me on my lunch break and said she and her boyfriend had a fight the night before and if I would please take her 10 miles. I saw the tears in her eyes and said most certainly, she said I would one day be repay