the missing, the lost and the pregnant

i was gonna go with the good the bad and the ugly but that seemed too easy.

so we’ll start with the mising.  that would be my father.  hes been missing since the beginning of august.  i use the term loosely though. we do know that hes alive, and somewhere in washington state.  well we assume hes alive since theres activity on his bank account. and since there is the police wont do anything about it. but no one has seen or heard from him since the begining of august.  im find im rather indifferent about it really.  my father and i never really had a strong bond, he didnt really with any of us girls as far as i know really.  so hes the missing.

the lost is mel. i havent heard from her since she called from cali and said she was back together with P.  she was supposed to stop in on her way back but obviously she didnt.  shes and P and the kids are living with some less then desirable friends.  i worry about her.

and now the pregnant. that would be my niece and NOT me thank god. although i would rather it be me then my niece. but too little too late i suppose. shes only 17.  she and her boyfriend larry are going to stick together and try to make it work.  they are not however getting married. thank goodness for small favors. atleast its not as big a deal now as it used to be.  she has no idea whats ahead. i feel so sorry for her, its hard and shes gonna have to grow up fast.

i have lilman for xmas this year YAY!!! and im already done shopping DOUBLE YAY!!!


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