the little things

i tend to be more inspired to write in the mornings so my OD  tends to ebcome neglected for days on end since  i leave myself little to no time for writing in the morning. its up at 5 out the door by 530 540 if im running late 😛

i need to keep a tablet or something so i can jot down my ideas and come back to write later.  i know i had a few good  ideas this week and now they are probably gone forever  into the ether that is my memory LOL

so ive decide to do my week in review! atleast until i forget to do that again LOL  but hey itll be a new idea all over again  when i think to do it again in a few months LOL

so lets see

Lilman’s parent teacher conferences went well. hes turned in all his homework and gotten back to A’s and B’s  and 1 C in science  because he had a chatty day that day and lost a few High5 points. (high5 is  the schools reward system.. you be good you get 5 high5 pts at teh end of every week  and you can collect them and get things with them .. like  popcorn at lunch or cute little pencils with puffy things on them and such.. they remind me of the stuff you get at chuck e cheese LOL )  anyway  it went well so  he got to go to his dance last night and  this comeing week he’ll be able to return to his long missed wrestling practices.  which makes me happy cause  i wont be getting the  sad eyes from him and coach bruce!  i dont knwo how well hell do  though  he jammed his finger  at recess and its been  pretty swollen and stiff for the last few days. he can move it so its not broken atleast! 

lets see what else…

shoshine is going to afghanistan after all! hes excited about it he wanted to go and was dissapointed when they originally canceled.  but due to a  military red  tape snafu and someone not doing thier  job  he’s  back in the rotation and set to leave fairly soon here.  hes got  2 weeks of tdy and then something else and then hell be gone.  not to return until sometime in january of 08.  that reminds me ill have to ask him what T & B plan to do while hes gone.

finally got  ahold to Kam after his  nearly 2 weeks of being MIA .. ill skip the gorey details LOL  i still am planning to head to bama  in june. it seems to be comeing up fast!  the last stretch of a roughly 9 months wait!  it seems like forever!

i know yall dont care about this stuff  but  i know in a  month or 2 i wont remember this stuff at all  so i gotta write it down  before i forget!



i took mom and oly and lilman out to dinner last night  and made breakfast in bed this morning.  730  doesnt seem like sleeping   in but atleast i didnt have to get up at 5!  i was gonna.  i really shoulda. even i need a break from work  now and then.

mel is well.. i dunno what to say about her. im worried. she’s not right and she doesnt even see it.  atleast  when B and i seperated  i wasnt blind sided by it and i KNEW i wasnt right.  and by not right i mean.. not acting  normally or even rationally at some times.  i cant blame her  for feeling the way she does. been there done that  got the badge and the hangover to prove it  . … ya know.  but i also  know  that pointing it out wont do any good.  so  i feel  like one of those cartoons .. the ones running around with a huge catchers mitt and stareing up into the sky trying to see where the balls gonna come down.  i have a feeling shell be joining me  in bama  not long after i get there.  2 months  4 at the most.  i could be wrong though.. well see

ok time to shower and get rolling  places to go peopel to see ðŸ˜€

yall have a great day

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March 17, 2007

I have 30 days of Combat Skills training with the Army, a short break (less than 2 weeks), 2 weeks of job training with the Army, another short break, then 6 months in Afghanistan with the Army (hard to beleive I’m in the Air Force). I am excited, but missing you in June takes the edge off of it. Grats on Lilman finally turning stuff in. Now that I’m up I’ll give you a call later. OX2