the gorey details

ohkay so you notice im home about 12 hours early? 

you didnt? ok well i am!

so it went well. i didnt get to keep the tumor but i did get to see ALOT of blood. mine of course.. good thing im not squeemish!
but for those of you that are you might want to skip this part and go right to the happy ending LOL

soo to start at the begining … i got there last night and checked in and all that  and mel and P hung around for a while and then mel took P to work and came back. her  SIL  had the kids.  so i guess shes forgiven me for the moment for wanting to move to bama.  anyway  we sat up all night  and talked and probably kept they guy in the bed next to me awake .. but he never complained so oh well LOL

anyway  they took me in this morning and decided to dope me up so i didnt move my head on accident

they even made a video of it and i got to see it.  you know how in movies when someone gets hit in the face and blood sprays from thier nose.. ill never disbelieve that again! 
about an hour into what mell calls ‘my brain drain’  my nose started to bleed. im not surprised really since ive been having nose bleeds off and on for a while now.  but you can see the look on the docs face  he was totally shocked cause my nose just starts spraying blood. i mean literally  all over it was gross but kinda funny too. 

this being an experimental operation i think they wanted to be prepared for anything  but i dont think they were prepared for that.  best they can figure though (w/o actually having had my head open) is when they got to the main part of the tumor all the blood that had been held by it causeing all the preasure and all let loose and it had to go somewhere. so out my nose it went.  it wasnt that bright red blood either  it was dark  almost black.

anyway… they gave me another MRi after while i was still out and they showed me the pics.  the got it all.  after 8 hours i would hope so!  so now all that remains to be seen is if it comes back. 

now there are a few side affects. that were rather unexpected.  but really what can you expect when you let yourself be experimented on! LOL 

i do feel. ‘weird’  i dont know how to describe it really. its just not how my head  normaly feels. the do said thts from the laser and itll go away.  but i do have the annoying side affect of stuttering now. of course if thats the worste that happens then ill deal with the stutter  its slowly gone away  over the course of the day. the docs say its just because of the release of preasure.

i did wake up with a bitch of a headache from the drugs though LOL  go figure.  irony defines my life im tellin ya

so this is the happy ending part for those of you that skipped the above..

im home early .. i feel fine… i even drove myself home MUAHHAHA dont you all just feel safe now!!

so im supposed to look for any other odd side affects but i really dont think there will be any.

i hope yall are well




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November 18, 2006

Glad news, dear, but how will you tell which effects are odd and which are just you? 😉

November 18, 2006

Oh perfect! Good! Yey! Awesome news

November 18, 2006

Glad you’re doing well! Too bad you couldn’t keep the tumor… hehehe

November 18, 2006


November 20, 2006

RYN: No push pins (They’re in high demand to be left on people’s seats). Only velcro or some other space-age bonding technology is allowed! Oh and Blue-Tack.