the eyes have it

ok so my sister is shallow. its not like i didnt know this already BUT shes never shown it in such a glareingly obvious way before. well not that i can recall right off hand anyway

she asked me today why i would move across the country just for the chance of ‘maybe’
and well really its because maybe pulls at me like nothing else does? i dont know. but then she put her foot in her mouth and said but J he’s in a wheelchair.
and honestly my mind went blank at that statement and i stared at my screen for about five mins before i could even reply and it wasnt even an inteligent reply all i could think of was.. yeah? so?
its like being in a wheelchair makes you less of a person less human? i dont know what, i didnt even want to talk to her anymore at this point. its not like i could have missed the fact that hes in a wheelchair. its not how he defines himself and it isnt how i even see him. half the time i forget until i trip and end up in his oh so convieniently placed lap LOL
but this so obviously narrow scope she has on people is disturbing
so i changed the subject for bit until she got back to the subject of men.. it seems to be her favorit subject lately… and she asked what it is that attracts me to a guy… and i for once had the easy answer!!
its the eyes and the smile. but mostly the eyes.
so i went surfing the net and found a few pics and even a few pics of people i know and decided that today the eyes have it. so boys from here on just surf away cause you probably dont want to see whats comeing! LOL

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and just a little gratuitus yummness thrown in LOL
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December 14, 2006

So what if he’s in a wheelchair. Yeesh. It’s like saying that just because of my hormone disorder, I don’t have the capacity to love. No offense to you or your family, but your sister needs a slap into reality. Lemme guess, she’s also the type that is waiting for a guy to put on a pedestal too, eh?…I’m sorry, what your sister said just….irks me in a bad way.

December 14, 2006

Ahhemmm…..pal! I couldn’t see some of there peepers!!

December 15, 2006

yes, i agree. For me too, its definately the EYES. very nice. Thanks for the eye candy, and the other candy! 🙂