sweet dreams are made of these

you know i dont remember the last time i woke up next to someone and didnt feel the need to jump out of bed and get started with my day so i could get away from who i was with.

i used to hate wakeing up next to B. now i wake up and just want to snuggle  up even closer to kam.

i feel for the frist time in a long time  like i fit.  im content and happy.  i miss lilman  and ill miss him even more now that ive decided to let him stay with B this year.  i definatly need the break.  im not the most patient of people and lilman likes to test his boundies constantly. so ill let him test them with b for a year and then B can see what its like to have a snotty attitude teenager in the house.

he’s pretty happy about kam and i getting married.  weve set the date for 8/8/08. it seems like a very round number to me LOL

i havent talked to walmart about getting my job back yet. i will on monday.  ive just been happy to slack for a bit.

ah well time to pull dinner out of the oven. baked spaghetti yummy!

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July 15, 2007

I think it’s time to change the Location from Down that Road Again to The Road Less Traveled. 😀 *M*H*S*