
you know whats great about dogs?
they eat everything
Oly made breakfast this morning. which is nice really
but they drug me out of bed to eat! i really need to be awake for atleast an hour before im ready to eat anything.
and Oly cooks everything in a ton of grease! waffles are not supposed to be greasy
which is wear the dogs came in LOL  i snuck them most of my waffle and omelette and bacon and toast, you see where im going with this right? LOL  i didnt share my fruit however!  i drowned the fruit in cool whip  the pears were perfect! ive been waiting almost a week to eat them! i dont like crunchy pears i want to bite into them and have the juice run down my chin! they are so sweet and perfect and jiucey and YUM! im haveing another with the peanutbutter samich i plan to have for lunch!

its only 2 and its been a good day so far. mom and oly are off at the coast trying to find a bottom for the table hes makeing. ill have to take a pic when its done, the top looks awesome! its made out of a burl from an oak tree.  so anyway theyll be gone all day so im havveing some alone time

i talked to shoeshine for a couple hours this morning then did some laundry.. woops gotta go rotate laundry! thank god i said that or id have never remembered!!

ok laundry safely rotated

and i forgot what i was saying

oh yes i talked to shoeshine for a bit and then he went to the store so im crossing my fingers and hopeing he didnt get run over by some crazy californian! he found engineer  versions of recipes for  spiced sider and spiced wine. i swear some of the instructions and comments made on the recipes made jsut think yeah DUH doesnt everyone know this stuff?LOL  but like shoeshine says you ant spell geek with out the EE!

so anyway after a nice soak  in the hottub ive sat down to write in my OD and read my favs and such.

i see a jog on the tradmill in my future as well today since i made the mistake of stepping on the scale when i got out ov the shower. UGH  time to get back on my exercise .. well i was going to say regimine  but its no so much that as well my draggin my ass out the door and going for a long walk! LOL  but  i havent done that since it got cold and well since oly bought a treadmill i have no excuse  hehe

ok off to read my favs and perhaps stroke my  neopet a bit!

remember …

time is marching on and sooner or later youll realise its marching across your face! so smile! that way all your wrinkles will be in the right place when you get old!




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December 23, 2006

Next time I go grocery shopping at my favorite local Kroger’s..I’ll buy pears. I want one so bad now

December 23, 2006

Dogs do not eat everything. Go get a goat, then you’ll see the difference. That and goats aren’t as gross as dogs in some of their habits. 😛

December 23, 2006

Or pigs! Pigs eat EVERYTHING! It’s why they’re a favorite plot device for getting rid of bodies in books and movies. But they are WAY more gross than dogs. And yes, I survived the crazy drivers. But as usual the craziest are on the base! Your neopet? That’s it’s new name? I’ll have to remember! 😛 And I thought we vowed never to get old? You’re 29 and I’m 32 right? Happy Yule Sweets.