Ryan Scott Thiel

You’ve been on my mind today

It always happens on more Veterans Day and Memorial Day and of course your Birthday

All i can do is remember.

You’ll never know how much i miss you

You were the brother i always wanted and never had.

We chose each other for whatever reason

i miss you sleeping on my couch just so you could wake up and watch cartoons with lilman

i miss the fun and the talks we had

discussing your hopes and dreams for the future

always pointing out the possible Future Mrs. Thiel when we went out

I miss the way youd let me win at video games and then grin and deny it

your hug and your smile are gone forever  they live only in my memory

its not right that lilman doesnt really remember you

he should have his ‘Uncle Ryan’

i should have my chosen brother

i miss you so much

i never wanted to know what my life would be like w/o you

i know if theres a Heaven that your up there

you always had faith enough for us all

this world is so much dimmer without you in it

its so hard to believe youve been gone nearly  8 years

perhaps in the next life youll be my brother by blood as well as by heart 

your always in my heart




Ryan Scott Thiel
Feb 6, 1976 – May 29, 1999

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