ready! SET!…. nevermind…

just kidding



really though i am getting ready.

i figure i have roughly a month and a half to get my things together and be ready to travel. plenty of time youd think right? but i am the Queen of Procrastination. no really i am. even when its stuff i KNOW has to be done. i just cant help it.

so im making a list and checking it twice

dont worry its not THAT list! i know your all naughty anyway

ive got to tag a TON of yardsale stuff, mother is trying to sell everything it seems LOL  but really itll free up a lot of space  and most of it is Oly’s anyway. he’s a terrible packrat! worse then i am!  SWEAR!

lilman is learning the hard way that girls at his age are indecisive and prone to boughts of well girlishness LOL. hes girlfriend broke up with him yesterday and begged him to go back out with her today.  he said yes.. of course!  he really likes this girl aparantly. she’s broken up with him atleast once a month since they started ‘dateing’

im still afraid to ask what dating includes for them at his age. hopefully its still just hand holding and well of course the daily kiss as she gets on the bus *sigh* well atleast i know hes sweet 🙂 id hate to think i was raising a mini asshole!

ACK time to make dinner and call mel.


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