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November 5, 2006

i see nothing wrong with inspirign ppl to write what most of them feel or have felt, better to kill yourself on paper then in real life? besides it s poetry contest not real life…. so i dont see how you get i am sayign suicide is good and ppl should do it? there is nothing in my entery that even slightly says anything like that so for you to come up with that and agree is just retarted… and imust say if you dont like it thats fine then dont read it and if you happen to read it and not like it keep your confused wrong stupid conclusions to yourself…. aever single contest i have is for encouragign writing and creativey and inspiration that is all.

November 5, 2006

belief me if there gonan kill themselfs 1 they would have before ym contest 2 thats their business its called natural selection 3 dont call my friends stupid

November 5, 2006